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     The screeching sound of jet engines could be heard in the distance, just as five targets close in on the barren wasteland that was now the testing area for Motormaster. Energy rounds barely scrape his feet as he searches for the source of the shots. He spots the five jet Vehicons rapidly gaining on his position and swiftly deploys his stun cannon and shoots the two Vehicons next to the middle one. The Vehicons split up, while the stunned ones plummet. Motormaster catches one and hurls it back at the now regrouped formation of the remaining Vehicons and manages to completely destroy the armada.

As congratulations Megatron makes his appearance. "It would seem you're apt for combat just as before and you're medical test have proven you are completely functional. All that remains is the processor testing, if you indeed pass this test you shall be amidst our ranks once more." Megatron’s voice sounded rather unusually hopeful, and it seems Motormaster picks this up as well. "And what will be my duties if I succeed?” Megatron stared amused for a split second and then proceeded, “You shall see in due time Commander."

Meanwhile, at the Autobot base, the two new Autobots try to decide what their next course of action will be: To stay and fight alongside Team Prime or fix their ship and try to escape, the latter of which would be nearly impossible without the right components; components which cannot be made by earth technology.

The days pass and the twosome finally choose to stay and join Team prime. Ultra Magnus decides to make them part of the wrecker team but only Mudflap joins, while Skidz joins the stealth team, opting his smaller build and speed will aid more than his brute strength. Since neither of them know about the workings of planet earth, and have no human companions, Bumblebee will oversee them as their commanding officer. "Hey bee, think we can go out for a drive?", with beeping sounds the young Autobot sadly declines Raf's idea, stating that he’ll be teaching the twins how life on earth is and how they should act. With a sad face, Raf turn to the tv and boots up their favorite racing game. Hours pass and the threesome are now near jasper's main roads, searching for ideal vehicle modes for the newcomers.

It’s been days since the too arrive and still nothing, so Bumblebee opts to call in Fowler to see what he can do, which is surprisingly much, considering he finds two new compact hybrid suv/cars in a matter of hours. "Haha, that’s a sweet looking machine" enthusiasm fills Mudflap's voice but is caught off guard as Skidz scans the exact vehicle he wanted. Angry, Mudflap wines to his brother who simply ignores and offers him the idea of combining the vehicle he wants with the paint scheme of the other. After refusing and just scanning the other car Mudflap transforms and smacks into Skidz who harshly falls back into Bulkhead, who stands him back of. Ratchet comes out of nowhere and starts complaining about the ruckus and tells them to take it elsewhere. The two just stay quiet as they spot Optimus coming from the ground bridge.

"Is everything alright?" Optimus asks with a neutral one. Surprising everyone, Skidz speaks up, but it’s the fact that he admit they were arguing that put everybody on edge. "Sir, we had some differences and it became a little problem, but don't worry, it's all good now." Optimus stares, slightly unconvinced but moves on anyway. With a sigh everyone moves back to what they were doing and everything goes on as usual.

I appreciate the fact people have voted and its because of those that I will continue this story,dont expect routine updates, but I'll try and update as much as I can or feel like. Hope you all enjoy this story as it progresses, and hope you have a good morning ,evening or night.

Status report: justwantedtosayafewthings. FirstthingisthatIdidntupdatethisstorybecauseIgotamassiveblockonhowtogoatmyplotandgotreallyunmotivated, thatbeingsaidI'mactuallycheckingthingsintermsofwrittingandwaysofhowtogetmotivatedforthingsagain. IstillassureyouthatIwillbecompleting the story, butinsteadofupdatesI'llbewrittingitonpaperandrevisingit, onceit'sdoneI'llpostithere, andifIgetasmotivatedasIhopetogetI'lldomore, soforthosewholikedthislittle "preview", keepitinyourlibrariesandonedaythisstorywillbeabletoentertainyourcollectiveminds  (hopefully lol).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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