Chapter 2

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Dawnpaw crouched down and leaped onto a mouse then killed it. She tossed the mouse into the air. "Respect the prey, it gave it's life so save yours." A voice echoed. She looked around and saw no cat, the mouse turned into a shadow and she blinked awake.

"We must bury Frailkit," Darkstream whispered as she picked up Frailkit and said through his scruff, "It was about time you woke up." They padded outside of the camp and Dawnpaw dug a ditch in the dirt, they Darkstream lowered Frailkit into the ditch. Dawnpaw touched her nose to his cold nose for the last time and they both covered his body with the earth.

She saw her friend's eyes darken, and her ears drooped. "I'm going to go and see Lightning," she mewed and groomed herself.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Darkstream asked. She shook her head, she could care for herself.

"You can stay and guard the camp," She suggested and headed away. She padded back to where she last saw Lightning and spotted another cat. The cat was a little older than her too, about the same age as Lightning. The cat was a yellowish tabby with very long chest fur which gave him the appearance of a lion, so she suggested the cat was Lion.

Lightning's voice rang through her head, "I'm Lightning, you're lucky you didn't bump into my brother Lion, he would have clawed your ears off for sure!" She tensed, not wanting to be attacked. Instinct told her to run but she held her head high and padded towards Lion.

"Hi! I am Dawnpaw," She mewed and Lion's eyes turned to green slits.

"I recognize that scent! You were talking to Lightning yesterday!" Lion hissed. Dawnpaw heard a rustle in the bushes and felt Lightning's presence. Her whiskers quivered and her paws itched to run but she sunk her long claws into the ground.

"Yeah, I was." She rolled her eyes, forcing herself to act tough, "So?"

She saw the fur on Lion's back stand up, "I can detect your fear scent," He snarled.

"What fear scent?" She turned to look around and Lion leaped at her, pinning her down. She kicked her hind legs up, claws unsheathed and hissed, her claws scraped the fur on his exposed belly. Lion yowled and snapped at her ear but she swiftly moves out of the way. A starry figure appeared and she knew it was Silverstream, the she-cat pretended she was pinned down and kicked out her hind legs with all the force she could bare and leaped up. Dawnpaw then copied her starry mentor, and her claws dug deep into Lion's belly, he shrieked in surprise. Silverstream batted her paws forwards, Dawnpaw stretched her claws out and batted at his face, then her claw got caught on his ear. Lion yowled in pain and tumbled backwards, his ear was ripped and blood oozed out. She flattened her ears and bared her teeth. Lion lunged at Dawnpaw but she tumbled out of the way and he jumped into a tree and didn't get up. She took a deep breath and blood ran down from her flank.

Lightning stepped out of the bush, his whiskers twitching. He looked at Lion, "Well, I guess it was the other way around," He muttered and looked at Dawnpaw. She turned to him and felt happy that he was there.

A purr of amusement rose in her throat, "Yeah, I guess," She looked into his eyes again, then he flinched. Her whiskers quivered and she licked her chest fur. She looked awkwardly at the ground, feeling something on her head. She could tell Lightning had reached his neck out and maybe rested his chin on her head, she moved a little bit closer to him. She felt uncomfortable that Lion was watching and put her head back up, "My friend and I are starting up a Clan!"

Lion finally got up and hissed, "Well we aren't going to be part of a mouse-brain's Clan, in fact we will make another with maybe that she-cat we saw earlier named Owl."

Lightning's ears drooped and he whispered, "Sorry..."

"In fact, we'll do it right here, with the border of the-"

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