Chapter 9

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Lancing pain shot through Cords arm from the sword, it screamed for more blood and it did not care where it got it from, Cord fought with all his strength against the mental onslaught, he glanced down at the two horrors looking at him in adoration, and he felt his hand move. He could feel the burning desire for freedom that the Greater Daemon within the blade cried out for, he tried to release his grip and realised that the hilt was now welded to his flesh, so much death in such a short space of time, he had revelled in it, dedicated it all to his Lord Tzeentch and now the Daemon within wanted more. He felt his sword arm make two quick cuts and the pink horrors in front of him split in two, giggling all the way to the ground as their flesh reformed into two blue horrors almost the same except for the stoic face and being half the size. Cord's duplicates appeared behind two of them and thrust their swords through spearing them on the point to quickly remove it and start to head towards the remains of the retinue . The other two horrors sprang at Cord one swallowed the sword as Cord thrust it down his throat, his two flamer arms whipped out and grabbed the other with their gnashing teeth, holding it fast as it tried to swipe and claw, a flick of the wrist and the horror was split from the sword, tossing the other in the air Cord took off and following and cut to pieces before the remains fell to the floor and crumble in the magic nothingness they had been spawn from.

He moved to the other side of the room where his copies were flaming the ground herding the last four members of the retinue. He landed heavy in the middle of the four of them and screamed.

"Blood!" then Cord began the attack, his sword arm flashed and caught a Tzaangor across the throat blood sprayed out and then dribbled down the front matting its fur, the flamer arms both drenched the floor with fire in front of 'Second' and the other Tzaangor, both jumped back instinctively with the Tzaangor mingling its own flames with those of the copies. The orc roared and charged, Cord ducked his head, bending at the waist and lowered his crown of eyes, he felt the huge blow from the orc where its fist had hit his shoulder but he was rewarded with the warm, sticky wet of blood covering his head where his three horns and pierce the orcs face puncturing the eye and through to his brain. Shoving the orc off with his sword arm and slicing across its belly to be sure of it death Cord opened all his eyes in time to see 'Second' take a lunge with his sword towards his back. Flicking his giant wings backwards they caught 'Second' off guard and knocked him to the ground, the sword spinning away with a metallic rasp.

"Master no!" 'Second' shouted his voice fully human and pleading as Cord removed his head in a single swipe.

He strode towards the remaining Tzaangor that brayed at him in challenge and charged. Cord stood still and watched as the follower came at him cleaver held high, trailing smoke from the copious flames enshrouding its body.

"Stop" Cord said calmly and the Tzaangor slowed to a halt hearing the order from his master, Cord snarled and lashed out with the sword slicing from hip to shoulder letting the Tzaangor fall apart with a wet slop. More blood the blade screamed, in his mind, he looked around searching for a foe.


The sword flicked deftly and he felt his arm drop. Looking down he saw one of the flamer arms on the floor, the magical flesh healed over almost instantly. More blood, the blade scream and he felt his arm rise, he fought as hard as he could and it continued its journey slowly upwards, the wrist twisted inch by agonising inch. The tip of the blade came to point directly at his own heart; he lifted the gnashing hand of the flamer arm and griped the hand guard. The blade continued to move, now forwards, the gore encased blade an inch from his flesh, then a half inch, then a quarter, and then touching. He could feel the cold steal beneath the sticky warmth of the blood, then the needle point of pain as it pierced his flesh.

A giant hound blinked into view with Sven riding on its back. The blade snapped away and Cord felt the warm trickle of his own blood move down his chest.

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