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ambers p.o.v

i woke up and checked my phone it was a text from jake

" Morning Beautiful xx "

- jake

" Morning xx "

i got up and got a shower after my shower i wrapped myself into a fluffy towl and walked into my wardrobe and got out a pair of blue skinny jeans a mickey mouse shirt and combat boots. after i got dressed i straightened my hair and went down stairs

" Morning dad." i said as i sat down on a bar stool in the kitchen

" Morning ambs , want some pancakes? " " totes" he gave me the pancakes and i scarfed them down " So ambs uh the boys and i have to go on tour ." " WHAT! already ?"

" ypu get to come with anyway so i dont see what the big deal is .". " true " i got a text from jake saying to meet him at the park." dad can i go to the park?"

" sure just be home by 9:30". i walked to the park and saw jake sitting alone on a swing i ran up to him and put my hands on his eyes and said in a deep voice

" guess who!" i gave myself out cause i laughed at my voice when i did that !

" hmm ambs?" i laughed and nodded and sat on the other swing

" so what did ya want to meet me here for ?" i begun to swing far and far and beyond well not really im in a park on a swing cant really get any where with that

" i um wanted to know if you um wanted to maybe be my girlfriend i mean i know its to ear-"

" i would love to be your girlfriend" he smirked and blushed a little. we spent the whole day together until ofcourse 9:30 came around and i was gonna be late so jake walked me home and we hugged good bye

" see you tomarow?" i asked he laughed

" ofcourse"


So whatcha guys think? i wanted jake to be with her in the first place but they will have drama so tell meh what ya think? i know its a bit short but i looked at my reads and thank you soo much xx

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