Chapter 27 - Rowen

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I had a bad feeling when Dr. Robert first approached us and the viewing of the spliced test subjects did nothing to alleviate the tension. We followed Dr. Robert out of the glass room and back out into the hall. He then led us to another room with the same mint green walls and metal floor, but this one had a giant bronze desk in the center and a few digital certificates on the wall behind it.

"Please, won't you two sit down so we can discuss these matters," Dr. Robert said, motioning to the ground were two steel chairs popped out from the floor.

"I'm fine standing," Rowen said, his stature rigid. He'd gone from the guy I was just making out with to a tense pole. I was not a fan of it, but the situation didn't call for romance, so I couldn't blame him.

"I'll stand too," I said, reaching for his hand and was relieved when he took it.

"Very well then," Dr. Robert said with a long sigh.

He looked like a geeky kid from science class and not some genetic consultant, or whatever he was. I still couldn't believe this all was happening to me, to us. One minute I was standing outside the school building on the brink of tears and the next thing I know I'm standing in some sort of an emerald castle. I wanted to go back to being the girl who knew nothing of splices turning people into science experiments.

"My job here is to help oversee the testing procedures. I'm here to ensure things are handled according to plan, develop tests, analyze the data that has been collected, and evaluate possible future methods and solutions. As you've realized, most of the outside world doesn't even realize these genetic mutations are happening, and instead go on with their everyday lives. This is where you two come in," Dr. Roberts continued smiling with his big, horse-like teeth. One of Gram's husbands was also British. He had the same terrible teeth. I wondered if him and Dr. Robert's went to the same dentist or even thought about getting veneers or some sort of tooth implant.

"How are we supposed to help with this?" Rowen asked. "Were just a couple of high school students who happen to have been attacked by a few mutants."

"Exactly!" Dr. Roberts smacked his hand down on the desk, making me jump a bit. I was jumping at everything. I wished it would stop.

"Exactly what?" I asked when I regained my control.

"People will listen to you! They don't care what warning labels us scientists will put out! And with all the government restrictions about keeping this under wraps, I had to tap you two before they could silence you."

"Silence us?" Rowen asked.

"Yes!" Dr. Robert's gestures got even more animated. He was practically prancing around the small room. "You two are exactly what the government has been trying to avoid. Witnesses to this tragedy! You have friends, colleagues, family and you can tell them all what you saw!"

I shook my head, taking a step forward. "That won't work. No one believes us. Everyone at school thinks we were using the attack by Missy as an excuse to hide some secret relationship."

Dr. Robert looked at our intertwined hands for a minute. So much for a secret relationship. He then looked back up to us and took a few small steps forward.

"That is why we're going to go out to the compound with your MyTabs," he said, his face so close to mine I swore I saw food in his teeth. "We will get a video of you two with the mutants and me explaining what has been happening. It will go viral and the world will see why we need genetic counseling and why we need stop the spread of these mutants."

I swallowed and turned to Rowen.

"How are we going to do that without some government douche bags coming after us?" Rowen asked, his face frozen in a half-scowl, half-smirk.

I looked back at Dr. Robert, who was still smiling. "Just leave that to me. I need to compose a few messages to make sure we're not followed, and you two meet me back at the compound in one hour. You will, won't you?"

Rowen and I looked at each other. I had nightmares the night before of a pale white hand calling to me from a closed gate. There was no way in helter I wanted to go back, but it seemed like the only way to stop the mutations and turning anyone else into the crazed figures at the compound. Like Illena. Or anyone at school for that matter. If no one wanted to believe us, maybe they would finally listen if it went viral.

"Alright." I nodded. "I'm in if Rowen is."

Rowen squeezed my hand. "We're in."

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