Chapter 30 - Rowen

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I couldn't believe Dr. Robert's MyTab was still running and that his death was now being played out on the interweb for the whole world to see. While I worried about the death of a man I barely knew, Captain Douche came back in the room smiling like the cat that ate the canary.

"Now you can see why we wouldn't want this classified information to get out, but since it has, it's time to do some damage control," he said.

"Damage control? What the helter does that mean or have to do with us?" I asked. I was trying to keep my cool, but the guy lit a fire in me that was hard to put out.

The Captain set his own MyTab on the desk, still staring right at me. "Soon the press will be surrounding this place. You will both make a statement saying this was a freak accident and deny any rumors of a compound for people with genetic mutations, or that this facility is used for any sort of splicing research."

My jaw dropped open. That was exactly the opposite of what we were trying to do. The stupid emerald center even had 'genetic research' in the name. It's not like we could lie about that. Why would Captain Douche even ask us to do that?

"Are you crazy?" Pacey asked, but it was more of a statement. "Why would you want us to deny that? This is the time we can educate people on the dangers of splicing! That is all Dr. Robert wanted to do. We could at least do that for the guy since he gave his life for that message."

Captain Douche kept that smug smile on his lips. I so badly wanted to punch it right off his fat face. "What other choice do you have? You can follow government orders or we could issue an arrest warrant for the numerous offenses you committed, including second degree murder of Dr. Robert."

"What the fritz?" Pacey yelled, throwing her hands in the air. "The video is viral! Everyone can see he was impaled by a rhino horn!"

The Captain raised an eyebrow. "Did they? Or did they see the two of you conspire with your spliced friends for the demise of the hard-working doctor?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My fists were clenched so hard I had indentations in my palms from my fingernails. "You can't be serious. This is blackmail!"

"Is it?" The Captain tilted his head, drumming his fingers on the desk. Dr. Robert's desk. "I think it's more like a little creative bargaining. You do what we ask and we make sure you stay out of jail, capeesh?"

I looked over at Pacey, but she couldn't even look up. Her hair had fallen over her faceand I leaned over, pushing a strand back behind her ears. Her cheeks had a few tear streaks on them. I hated to see her tears and I hated even more that in seeing them I knew what our answer was to the Captain's black mail.

I looked back up at that stupid, smug smile. "Alright, tell us what we need to say."


We stood at the same steel door that not long ago we had walked through with Dr. Robert. This time we were inside the facility and could hear the muffled noises of people talking and cameras clicking just outside the doors. To be able to hear all that, I couldn't even venture a guess as to how many people were actually out there.

"Now, I don't want to hear any funny business from either of you," the Captain said, waving a pudgy finger in our faces. "You will do as you're told and stand next to me while I field questions. If a reporter does ask to speak with either of you specifically you will answer them with only 'yes' 'no' or 'the Captain can explain that better than I can?' Understood?"

Pacey and I both nodded. Pacey's hand was grasped firmly on mine. I wasn't exactly all for the idea of appearing on TV together, especially since I hadn't spoken to Emm all day and had no idea how I was going to explain my relationship with Pacey. But if this was the only way we could keep from getting the blame for Dr. Robert's death, then so be it.

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