i see a revolution

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here ye

here thee

a time has come.
post racism
and the start of a nations fall.
only to which it has fallen
multiple times but our pride,
so sick.
love trumps hate,
and the inauguration date.
people fear their lives
for which their culture is the problem

exterminated off like termites,
from the mafia.
pulling off the bands,
to keep quiet.

our lives,
and the search withholds an
idea of where did we go wrong?

you lay in your bed,
and i'll lay in mine
as the the world is worse than a broken clock.

because even though
the masterpiece was destroyed
the broken clock is right twice a day
1 a.m and 1 p.m,
the vigilantes come out to play
scared for a lifetime
four years from now.

post jim
the pre-end
the world sheds skin
and a new reign begins.

the wall is built.
but the construction is fatal
because the term is prenatal
and the contract scales for a win they'll never reach.
because the strength in the ulna

and the blood in the radius,
tells us that a time has come
to fight
because segregation is limitless
but the broken clock can always be fixed.

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