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Paola's P.O.V


"Nice to see that you came" she says, giving me a mean spirited smirk.

"How did you text me?"

"Oh. Let's just say I used my phone to text you anonymously and pretended that I was Rahart."

"So you impersonated him?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"You made me leave from my relaxing home just to come here to be disappointed" I say sighing annoyingly, "What do you want?"

"I want to trash you and ruin everything that makes you succesful" Veronica says.

"Like you'll get away with it" I say.

"Technically, I already have. Ya see, everyone believes that rumor that you stole Rahart from me, and everyone is coming at you for it. I mean, it was technically true, I just twisted the story a little bit, with some lies."

"You mean many lies? You lied about almost EVERYTHING in that news interview. You completely made up everything just to TARNISH my reputation!" I say.

"Oh wait, but wasn't the part where I said you hooked up with Rahart while he and I were together true? Isn't it true that you probably kissed him or hooked up with him before he even broke up with me?" Veronica asks.


"Exactly! That part was DEFINITELY true and you know it! You stole MY boyfriend by FLATTERING him! I don't know what you guys did, but I KNOW you were all over him, and that's how he ended up in your hands!"

Silence took over me before my face started to turn red.

"What I find even MORE funny is that after stealing my boyfriend, you thought I was gonna let you get away with it and be happy with him? You thought I was gonna let you off the hook? No way. I'm gonna make you pay and trash your career. I will make sure to end it all, and ANYONE that gets in my way of doing it, and NO ONE will stop me."

"What if I stop you? Huh? You think trying to trash my career is gonna get you your boyfriend back? No way little bitch. He'll love me either way. No matter how much you try to destroy me or take everything that makes me sucessful down, he'll always be with me. No matter how many times you try to split us up, he'll always love me, not you. And I think it's about time you get that stuck in your head" I say.

I walked towards her as I grab her shirt violently.

"ALWAYS get that stuck in your head. Because it's the truth and you know it. He loves me, not you. It's the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts."

I let go of her shirt as I turn away, walking home.

I felt proud of myself. Showing Veronica with my dignity that I didn't care if she trashed my career. I felt proud for showing my dignity and confidence that I didn't care about her stupid tricks.

And with that, I took my dignity and pride home, keeping it along the way.

"I told her off, mom. Even though it meant throwing my career away."

Suddenly, out of no where, my mom hugged me as we were lying on my bed. She hugged me with all her pride and didn't let me go for a minute.

"I am SO proud of you! You put someone else before yourself even if it meant throwing something you've worked SO hard for away. I am proud of you for that" my mom says.

"Yeah mom... me too."

Suddenly, tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Because of me, mom. Because of me Rahart may be no longer famous. I don't really care about my career right now. What I mostly care about is Rahart's career, and because of me it all might crash to the ground" I say before sobbing again. "I just wish I could turn everything back."

"Aw" my mom says before rubbing my shoulder. "But you can't, sweetie. And sometimes when things go wrong in the present, you either have to deal with it or fight and get rid of it. That’s the only way to fix mistakes in the past."

"I know" I say, sighing heavily. "Thank you, mom. I love you."

"Oh sweetie, I love you too" my mom says before pulling me into a hug.
Awwwwww! Mother and daughter moment! Anyway, there was no school yesterday and there will be no school today, so I will be updating tomorrow and the day after. It is the only way to make it up to you guys for not updating lately, due to the fact that I've lost readers in the past 3 weeks. Anyways, love you guys💖

Until next time!


❤Live_Love_Raola ❤

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