~Chapter 1~

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Cassandra's P.O.V
Hello my name is Cassandra Bree Swan and am 16 years old and am a vampire I was bite when I was on holiday and my best friends Jane,Alec,Felix and Demetri Volturi help me and explain the rules of the vampire world but I have powers I can see the future,read minds,shield someone,can get myself pregnant and other vampire and can eat and drink human stuff but I have a twin sister Isabella Marie Swan and she is 15 but 16 on 13 September but I live with our dad Charlie Swan but I have meet my mate his name is Jasper Hale-Whitlock and he was turn when he was 19 years old in 1863 in Texas and we have been going out for almost 2 years now but we keep it to our self but I found out that am 5 months pregnant and I have not told anyone because am scared but I have told my best friends Jane,Alec,Felix and Demetri and they told me I have to tell everyone but am scared on what Jasper will say but today I found out the gender but later today my twin sister Bella is coming to live in Forks for some time.
End of P.O.V.
Charlie:*Looks at Cassandra*You ok princess.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Yeah Jasper ask if I could hang out with his family intil it's time to pick up Bells.
Charlie:*Smiles*Sure princess is there something you want to tell me.
Cassandra:*Signs and sits down*Daddy am scared.*Starts crying*Am scared because am 5 months pregnant at 16 and I don't know what Jasper is going to say we never talked about add child to our life's and am scared that he will not want a child.
Charlie:*Hugs her*Everything is going to be fine right yes am mad and happy at the same time but you need to tell Jasper he need to know that he is going to be a father do you know the gender.
Cassandra:*Smiles*I find out today I can not wait.
Charlie:*Smiles*What time do you need to be at the hospital.
Cassandra:*Smiles*10 o'clock.
Charlie:*See its 9:30*Then we better get going.
After the hospital.
Cassandra:*Gets out with Bella and Charlie and go to grab a bag*
Isabella:*Looks and graphs*Cassandra Bree Swan you better not grab the bags you are not to be carrying anything now go inside and put your feet up.
Cassandra:*Looks at Bella and Charlie*Am going to go over to Jasper's and tell him.
Isabella:*Gets up*Am coming with you your not going out on your own anymore.
At the Cullen's.
Cassandra:*Walks in with Isabella be hide her*
Jaspet:*Smiles and walks over to her and hugs her and pecks her lips*Hey love I missed you.
Cassandra:*Smiles*I missed you to Jaz oh Jaz this is my twin sister Isabella and sister this is my boyfriend Jasper Hale.
Isabella:*Smiles*Hi Jasper it's nice to meet you and please call me Bella.
Jasper:*Smiles*Of course Bella.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Oh Bella this is Jasper's twin brother Joshua and there adopted sister and Joshua girlfriend Alice Cullen and then Joshua ' s and Jasper's adopted sister Rosalie and there adopted brother and Rosalie's boyfriend Emmett and there adopted mum Esme and Carlisle must be in work.
Esme:*Smiles*Yes dear he got called in and it's nice to meet you Bella.
Isabella:*Smiles*You to.
Cassandra:*Dose see Edward*Wait where is Edward.
Esme:*Looks at her*He want out.
Cassandra:*Gets what she is say*Oh.*Looks at Jasper*Jaz can we talk alone for a minute please.
In Jasper's room.
Jasper:*Looks at her*What's wrong love.
Cassandra:*Signs*Jaz you remember what happen on October will us right.
Jasper:*Smiles and grabs her waist*Of course I do it was the best night of my life.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Jasper I don't know how to say this but I get it if you leave me but am 5 months pregnant am sorry I never told you sooner but I was scared we never take about having children will us being vampires.
Jasper:*Smiles and picks her up and spins her around and sets her down*Love that is great news do you know the gender.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Yeah I found out today we are having a baby boy.
Jasper:*Smiles and lifts her shirt up and see her 5 months stomach and leans down on his knees and kiss her stomach*Mummy and daddy love you buddy.
Jasper:*Look up worried*What's wrong love.
Cassandra:*Smiles when she feels him kick again*He just kick.
Jasper:*Smiles and feels his son kick for the first time and stands up and pecks Cassandra lips*I love you.
Cassandra:*Smiles*I love you to Jaz.
Edward:*Talking with Isabella*
Cassandra:*Walks down smiling with Jasper and see Carlisle home  and smiles*Hey Carlisle.
Carlisle:*Smiles*Hey Cassie.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Me and Jasper have to tell you something.
Esme:*Looks at them*What's wrong.
Jasper:*Smiles*Am going to be a father to a baby boy.
Esme:*Smiles*That's great news.
Rosalie:*Gets up with Alice and hugs Cassandra*That's great news how far are you.
Cassandra:*Smils*5 months.
Later that day.
Cassandra:*Lay down in her bed and looks up and see Jasper and smiles*Hey Jaz.
Jasper:*Smiles and walks over to Cassandra bed and smiles and lays down next to her*Hey love how Andre you feeling.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Am feeling fine Jaz and so is our son but we need to think of a name for him.
Jasper:*Smiles*What names do you have in mind.
Cassandra:*Smiles*I was thinking Jaxon Anthony Hale-Whitlock.
Jasper:*Smiles*I love that name.*Lefts her shirt up and kiss her stomach*We love you Jaxon and your going to be a spoit boy with your aunties,uncles and grandparent.
Cassandra:*Laughs*Let me guess Alice is going all out on baby stuff.
Jasper:*Laughs*Yeah she even has Edward,Emmett and Carlisle working on Jaxon room and Rosalie and Esme are doing online shopping for clothes and stuff like that for Jaxon.
Cassandra:*Smiles*I love you Jasper Hale-Whitlock.
Jasper:*Smiles*I love you to Cassandra Bree Swan more then anything and I love our son.
The week later.
Cassandra:*Walks down and smiles at her sister and nd father and did grabs a drink and something to eat and smiles*Good morning daddy sister.
Charlie:*Smiles*Morning princess do you have a name for my grandson.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Yes me and Jasper picked one out over the phone last night we are name his Jaxon Anthony Hale.
Charlie:*Smiles*It's a lovely name princess have you told your mother about Jaxon.
Cassandra:*Signs*No not yet but I will tell her soon promise daddy.
At school.
Cassndra:*Gets out Bella ' s trunk and walks over to Jasper and hugs him and kiss him*
Jasper:*Kiss her back and the pulls away*How are you and nd Jaxon today.
Cassandra:*Smiles*We are fine.
Later that day.
Cassandra:*Lay on the bed in Jasper's room and smiles*
Jasper:*Smiles*How and nd reread you feeling.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Am fine Jaz top worrying with you.
10 July.
Cassandra:*Get her bag and Jason ' s bag ready*
Isabella:*Walks in with Edward and Jasper be hide her and smiles*Hey sister how are you.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Am good.
A hour later Cassandra waters broke and Jasper,Edward and Bella take her to the hospital.
Carlisle:*Runs in*OK Cassie you can start pushing.
Cassandra:*Starts pushing and screams*
A hour later Cassandra give birth to her son Jaxon Anthony Hale-Whitlock.
Cassandra:*Smiles down at her son*Welcome to the world Jaxon.
Jasper:*Smiles and see his family and Charlie and Bella*Everyone I want you to meet Jaxon Anthony Hale-Whitlock.
They all smile.
A week later.
Cassandra:*Picks up Jaxon and walks down and puts him in his pram and puts the hood up a bit and puts his blanket over him and nd starts cooking breakfast for her,Charlie and Bella and puts the breakfast on the table when she has finish and see Bella and did Charlie and smiles*Good morning.
Charlie:*Smiles*Morning how was your first night with Jaxon home.
Cassandra:*Smiles*It was good he only wake up at 1 o'clock and then 3 o'clock and then 6 o'clock that was it but he is still asleep now.
Isabella:*Smiles*When are you see Jasper.
Cassandra:*Smiles*He said he is pick me up at 12 o'clock because am stay there intil Sunday.
Charlie go to work.
Cassandra:*Smiles*So I hear you are going out with Edward.
Isabella:*Smiles*Yeah and I know that they are vampires like you and I know that you all will not hurt me.
Cassandra:*Smiles and then stands up*You want to help m pack mine and Jaxon over night bag for stay at the Cullen's.*Picks up Jaxon car seat from his pram and carry ' s him upstairs and sets him down on the floor and grabs his little bag*Bells can you pack mine for me please.
At 12 o'clock.
Jasper:*Smiles at Cassandra and grabs hold of Jaxon*Hey buddy have you been a good boy for mummy.
Cassandra:*Smiles and pecks Jasper's lips*I just have to find his teddy you got him he keep that will him all the time and now he has lost it and keeps crying.
Isabella:*Runs in the kitchen and gives the teddy to Jaxon*Here you go buddy.
Jaxon:*Grabs the teddy and hols it close and giggles*
Cassandra:*Smiles*Thanks Bells.
Isabella:*Smiles*It's fine.
At the Cullen's house.
Esme:*Smiles and see Jasper,Cassandra and Jaxon and smiles and takes Jaxon car seat and takes him inside and sets his car seat down and smiles and unbelts him and picks him up*
Jaxon:*Starts crying and scream*
Esme:*Rocks him around*Shh what's wrong sweetie.
Edward:*Smiles and picks up the teddy and walks over to Esme and Jaxon and gives him the teddy*He just wanted his 🐻 his daddy got him.
Esme:*Smiles*He must love his daddy then.
Cassandra:*Walks in and smiles and sets the bag down*Let me guess he start scream and crying for his teddy.

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