~Chapter 2~

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Later that day.
Cassandra:*Tried and rubs her eyes*
Jasper:*Smiles at Cassandra*Go to sleep sweetie I will watch Jaxon.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Thanks Jaz.
Jasper:*Smiles*It's fine.
Cassandra:*Smiles and fells asleep*
A hour later.
Jasper:*Walks down with a crying Jaxon and walks into the kitchen and starts warm up one of his bottles why rock Jaxon*Shh it's OK Jaxon am warm your milk up now.
Jaxon:*Keeps crying*
Esme:*Walks in with Carlisle*Aww what's wrong with Jaxon.
Jasper:*Looks at Esme and Carlisle and smiles*He wants his bottle of milk.
After the bottle is just ready Jasper starts feeding him his bottle of baby milk.
At 7 o'clock.
Cassandra:*Walks up and see Jasper and Jaxon gone and walks down and see Jaxon asleep in his mosses basket and smiles and leans down and kiss his forehead and walks in the kitchen and see Esme and smiles*Morning Esme.
Esme:*Smiles*Morning sweetie how did you sleep.
Cassandra:*Smiles*I had a good sleep where is everyone.
Esme:*Smiles and gives Cassandra her breakfast*Carlisle got called into work and the other have gone hunting.
Cassandra:*Smiles and eats her breakfast and then cleans her dishes and makes Jaxon bottle and see its almost 8 o'clock and feels the bottle is just right and hears Jaxon cry and gets the bottle and walks into the living room and picks up Jaxon and lays him down and puts the bottle in his mouth and see he as start drink it*
Jasper:*Walks in and see Cassandra is wake and smiles and walks over to her and sits next to her and Jaxon*How was your sleep.
Cassandra:*Smiles*It was good thank you.
Jasper:*Smiles*It's fine me and Jaxon had fun having some father and son time when he wake up.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Am glad you both had fun my boys.
After feed and widing Jaxon.
Jasper:*Smiles*Hey love everyone is going to play baseball today do you want to come we can bring Jaxon to but just put him in warm clothes and if it gets to clod put him in Emmett jeep with the wraps on low for him.
Later that day.
They all go and play baseball and it gets to cold for Jaxon.
Cassandra:*Belts Jaxon in his seat belt and then puts the seat belt around Jaxon car seat*
Half way though the game Alice stops the game because of 3 vampires and they find out that Bella is human.
Am sorry I skip.
Cassandra:*Walks down*Right daddy if you need anything just call me or Jasper and his bed is ready for when he gets tried but he is a sleep right now in his mosses basket with the blanket and teddy Jasper got him.
Charlie:*Smiles*Princess Clam down right everything will be fine right you have nothing to worry about.
Cassandra:*Signs*I know but it's the first time am leave him with someone.
Charlie:*Smiles*Jaxon will be fine will me princess.
Later that day at prom.
Cassandra:*Dance with Jasper*
Jasper:*Lifts her head up and smiles at her*Love Jaxon will be fine with Charlie and if anything is wrong Charlie will phone us and Alice will see.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Thanks Jasper.
After the ball.
Cassandra:*Walks into her bedroom and see Jaxon sleep and smiles and close the door and gets changed and then walks over to Jaxon and see him hold the teddy Jasper got him and smiles and pulls the blanket up on him a bit and smiles and kiss his forehead*I love you baby boy.
1 March 2005.
Cassandra:*Walks down with her 1 year old son Jaxon and see her father and smiles and sits Jaxon in his high chair*
Jaxon:*Smiles and giggles*Dada mama.
Cassandra:*Smiles at him*We can go and see daddy after breakfast Jax.
Charlie:*Smiles*He loves Jasper.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Yeah he dose.
After breakfast.
Cassandra:*Opens the door and see Jasper and smiles*Hey Jaz.
Jasper:*Smiles and pecks her lips*Hey love.
Jaxon:*Smiles*DADA.*Tries to run over to Jasper*
Jasper:*Smiles at Jaxon and picks him up and spins him around*Hey buddy have you been good for mummy.
At the Cullen's house.
Cassandra:*Walks in the living room and see Jaxon with Jasper and smiles and shakes her head*
Esme:*Smiles*They are so close.
Cassandra:*Smiles*They sure are but I love them Jaxon he always has the teddy and blanket got him with him when Jasper is not there will us.
Esme:*Smiles*Your a great mother Cassandra never let anyone tell you different did you tell your mum yet.
Cassandra:*Sigbs*I know they was something I had to do.
Cassandra grabs her laptop and sits by Jasper and Jaxon and email's her mum.
Dear mum,
Am sorry I have not email for long but am sure Bella has told you and have hear when you are on the phone to her that I have a son his name is Jaxon Anthony Hale-Whitlock and he is the almost beautiful baby boy ever he was born on 10 July 2003 and he is almost 2 years old now and he is very close to his father my boyfriend of almost 4 years now his name is Jasper Hale he is Edward Cullen 's adopted brother and Edward is Bella ' s boyfriend anyways am so sorry I never told you sooner but I never really get go on my laptop now with me having Jaxon and school but Jasper he helps out lots with his family but everyone loves Jaxon I hope you will love him to love you and tell Phil I said hi.
Love from  Cassandra.
Cassandra:*Sends the email and smiles and see a photo of her mum and smiles and turns s her laptop around*Jax sweetie this is your grandma Renee she is mummy's mum.
Jaxon :*Smiles*👵.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Yeah 👵
Jasper:*Smiles*Oh and happy birthday.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Jasper I stop age at 16 years old.
Jasper:*Laughs*I know but still.

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