~Chapter 3~

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Later that day.
Cassandra:*Puts a sleeping Jaxon down in his little bed and puts the cover over him and then grabs her laptop and opens it and see email from her mum*
Dear Cassandra
I know Bella told me and am not mad at you I know it's hard looking after a baby but I know it's hard with school but am do happy for you and I can not wait to meet Jaxon and Phil said hi and he can not wait to see Jaxon to and am glad Jasper and his father are help you out I hope to see you soon I love you and Bella and I love my grandson I can not wait to see you girls again and I can not for you both to get married.
Love from Renee.
Cassandra:*Giggles and shakes her head and email's her mum*
Dear mum,
Thanks for not be mad at me and Jax that is Jaxon nickname he can not wait to see you but Jasper got Jax this teddy bear and blanket and every time someone tries to grab them he starts scream and crying because he is so close to his father but anyways me and Bells can not wait to see you we miss you to maybe we can visit soon and maybe I can bring Jax but I don't know when will school and everything I don't know when I will get time to get a ticket but I love my life and Jasper and Jaxon and I would never change that for anything.
Love from Cassandra.
Cassandra:*Shuts down her laptop and puts it way and turns off her light and go to sleep*
10 July.
Today it's Jaxon ' s 2nd birthday.
Casssndra:*See Jaxon wake and smikes and walks over to him*Happy 2nd birthday sweetie.
Jaxon:*Smiles*Thank you mummy.
Cassandra:*Smiles*It's fine sweetie come on let's get you ready because 👴 Charlie and auntie Bella are wait for the birthday boy.
Cassandra gets Jaxon changed and carry him down the stairs.
Cassandra:*Puts him down and see him run into the living room and smiles and hears the door and opens it and see Jasper and smiels*Hey come on in.*Let's Jasper in*
Jasper:*Smiles and leans down and kiss her*
Cassandra:*Smiles and wraps her arms around his neck and kiss him back*
Jaxon:*See Jasper and Cassandra kissing*Eww mummy daddy.
Cassandra:*Pulls away and laughs with Jasper*
Jasper:*Smiles and moves away and open his arms*
Jaxon:*Smiles and runs to Jasper and hugs him*Hey daddy.
Jasper:*Smiles*Hey buddy how are you today.
Jaxon:*smiles*Am good daddy.
Jasper picks Jaxon up and go into the living room with Jaxon in one arm and the other arm around Cassandra waist and they watch Jaxon open his gifts with hel from Cassandra and they do the same at the Cullen's.
Cassandra:*Watch Jaxon in his soldier outfit and smikes*
Jasper:*Wraps his arms around her waist*He is grown up so fast next year he will be 3 years old.
Cassandra:*Signs*I know but he is a good boy Jaz and he will always be our baby boy know matter how old he is.
Jasper:*Smiles*How about we give Jax a baby brother o sister.
Cassandra:*Looks at him and smiles*Yeah I would love that but wait intil September.
Jasper:*Smiles*Am fine with that.
Cassandra:*Signs*I better do my homework.
Jasper:*Smiles*I will watch Jax don't worry love relax.
Cassandra dose her homework and then go in the living room and play with Jaxon with his toys with Jasper as a family.
Alice:*Smiles and takes a photo of them*They are like one little family.
Joshua:*Smiles*They sure are.
Later that day.
Cassandra:*Puts Jaxon on his bed and walks to his the wardrobe and grabs some Pj's for Jaxon and changes him and then puts hi  to bed and gives him his teddy and blanket and then covers him up and gets her Pj's on and then Turns out the light and puts on Jaxon ' s nightlight and go to bed*
13 September.
Cassandra:*Smiles at Bella*Hey Bells.
Isabella:*Smiles*Hey Cassie where is Jax.
Cassandra:*Smiles*He fall asleep in Jaz arms so we put him to bed in his bedroom.
The party dose not go well Bella got a paper cut and Jasper lost control of himself.
Bella,Cassandra and Jaxon are now home and it's been a week seen Bell's birthday.
Cassandra:*Smiles at her Jaxon and walks into the house and puts him down and see him run off to the living room and play with his toys and smiles and gets pulled into a vision*
The vision.
Edward:*Looks at Isabella*Am sorry Carlisle has a better job so we are all moving.
Isabella:*Sad*W what W why what about me,Cassie and Jax what are we going to tell a 2 years old where his father is.
Edward:*Look at her*Just say he went away for some time am sure Cassie can come up  will something.
End of the vision.
A month later.
Cassandra:*Signs and gets up and see Jaxon still asleep and gets wash and changed and brush her teeth and walks down and see her dad there and weakly smiles*Morning daddy.
Charlie:*Smiles*Morning princes how are you feeling.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Good Jax is still asleep but I have been thinking Jax he needs his own room now he is 2 years old and will the baby on the way am almost problem be up most of the night with the baby and I don't want to wake him and he starts kindergarten next September.
Charlie:*Smiles*Princess I have a room for Jax it's all ready for him it got finish yeasterday.
Cassandra:*Smiles and hugs Charlie*Thank you daddy.
Charlie:*Smiles*It's fine princess.
25 December.
Cassandra:*Watches Jaxon open his gifts and smiles*
Jaxon:*Gets up and runs over to Cassandra*Mummy they is one for you.*Gives her the gift and runs off to play with his toys*
Cassandra:*Opens the gift and see a credit card with her name on it with a letter and opens the letter*
Dear Love,
I know that what we did was not right but I could not find a way to tell you and I know that your pregnant and I wish I was there to help you though your pregnancy with our 2 nd child but know that I love you,Jax and our unborn child and I know that is Christmas now but I have send up a bank account for you and as over a million dollars in for you, Jax and our unborn child get whatever you want for them and everyone esle you want and I will put more money in at the end of every month I love you,Jax and our unborn child so much and I miss you all like crazy.
Love Jasper.
P.S everyone says hi and they miss you even Edward so along calls every month or so.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Thank you Jaz.
On the 3 February Cassandra found out that she is having twin boys and have gone shopping for cribs,clothes baby milk and everything.
5 June 2006.
Cassandra:*Feels her waters break and grasps*Bells my waters just break.
Bella gets the bags and puts the in Cassandra's car with Jaxon  and helps Cassandra in the car and drives off to the hospital.
At the hospital Bella has just called Charlie to tell him that Cassandra is in labour.
Jaxon:*Looks up at Isabella Auntie Bella is mummy and brothers ok.
Isabella:*Smiles*They are fine they just want out of mummy stomach now but everything will be fine.
Charlie:*Runs in and see Bella and Jaxon and walks over to them*Hey how long as she been in there for.
Isabella:*Smiles*Not long.
A hour later.
Cassandra:*Hold her sons and see Jaxon and smiles*Come here sweetie meet your brothers.
Jaxon:*Smiles and walks over and tries to climb on the bed*
Charlie:*Helps him up and smiles*
Jaxon:*Smiles and kiss there forehead*Am going to  be the best big brother ever.*Looks at Cassandra*What are there names mummy.
Cassandra:*Smiles*How about Jace Charlie and Jeremy Carlisle Hale-Whitlock.
Jaxon:*Smikes*I love there names mummy.
10 July 2006.
Cassandra:*Walks down and puts Jace and Jeremy in there mosses basket and starts making breakfast and hears feet steps and smiles and see Jaxon*Happy 3rd birthday sweetie.
Jaxon:*Smiles*Thank you mummy.
They have breakfast and then Cassandra gets a family photo do of her,Jaxon,Jace and Jeremy and the gets one with Charlie and Bella in with her and the kids
Jaxon:*Smiles*That was so much fun.
Cassandra:*Smiles*Am glad you liked it sweetie.
After Jaxon birthday Bella go ciff driving.
Cassandra:*Walks in with Jaxon walking why push Jace ' s and Jeremy ' s pram and close the door and turns the light on and see Jaxon in Jasper arms with Alice and Joshua and smiles and runs to Jasper and hugs him*Your back.
Jasper:*Hugs her*Am back for good am not leave intil you order me away.
Cassandra:*Smiles*That is never going to happen.
Jaxon:*Smikes*Daddy come and meet Jace and Jeremy.
Jasper:*Smiles and walks over to the pram and see his sons and smiles*They are beautiful love am so sorry I was never there.
Cassandra:*Smiles*It's fine Jaz your here now.
Bella go to Italy to safe Edward.

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