Chapter 11

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William said "wow, we all was tell each other everything but now it's like, you don't trust us anymore" luna came out and was listening what was happening. Then when they finished talking luna came out and went to the kitchen. Brandon went after her, brandon grabbed her and said "what's going on"?? Luna said hugging him "I really don't know Ijust feel upset. Brandon said "let's go to my house nobody's home so we can be there until 3:00 p.m. ok luna nodded yes and brandon and luna went to the room to get thier stuff and brandon told this friends that there going out and they all left, before they left luna locked the door.

When brandon and luna got home luna went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Brandon went to the room to change and while he was changing luna came in and said "can I, oh sorry didn't see you" while she turned are and brandon got something cloths and put them on. Brandon told luna she can turn around and asked her what did she needed they luna said "if brandon had some clothes that she could use and brandon gave his favorite shirt and some shorts. Brandon blushed and kissed luna and hugged him. Then luna said "hey, let's see a scary movie in the dark, brandon said "let's go then", brandon and luna saw the movie hush.

When the movie finished it was 3:10 p.m. brandon told luna that his sister and mother was goin to get there in 10 or 20 minutes. Luna layed down her head on brandon's chest and they both fell asleep. When they woke up anyia was starring at them until they woke up. Luna started to scream and anyia too, when brandon woke up because of the screams then he was confused. And waited until they stop screaming.  Brandon's mother came and said I'm glad yall awake it's time to eat. But luna said afraid "no thanks anyway I was going to leave" then luna went to the room to get changed and to get her stuff brandon went with her and while she changing brandon was looking away. When she finished they went out luna said goodbye to everyone and to brandon and gave him a goodbye kiss.

Then anyia said "eewww, that's gross" then brandon said "shut up your going to have your first kiss too. Bit now your 8 years old and I'm 15 years old". And then luna left home and brandon thought why didn't he hang out with luna before, but then he forgot it.

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