Chapter 15

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When luna and brandon got off the plane and out of the airport, luna and brandon went to the hotel were they were going to stay. When they go there it was big that it had a kitchen, bathroom and other stuff. When they finished unpacking luna went to the bathroom to put on her bikini. When she came out brandon saw her and kissed her and said "you look cute. Then  luna giggled and said "I'm going to the beach are you coming". Then brandon said "yeah be there in like 5 or 8 minutes. Luna left the room with her stuff.

When brandon finished getting ready he went looking for luna at the beach. When brandon spotted her, brandon went to her. Luna was in the water having fun with the other girls. Brandon went to her and splashed luna. Luna turn around and splashed brandon back. Brandon went close to her and kissed her. When they both got out of the water brandon went to the outside stores that selled food and drinks.

When they finished their food and drinks they went back to the hotel to take a shower. Brandon waited until luna finished taking a shower to get in. When she came out luna was already in her pajamas to go straight to bed. When brandon finished taking a shower he went straight to bed too.

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