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One of my biggest pet peeves is people asking/telling/begging me to update. I want to make it really clear that I really don't wanna see those kinds of comments. Honestly, it takes me longer to update when I see people who do that. You know that feeling you get when your parents or someone tells you to do something that you were planning to do anyways? That's how I feel. So you are only hurting yourself doing this.

Also, as it says on my profile, I'm only 17. Some of you who are much younger than me probably don't understand, but you will, that I'm a junior in high school. As in I have colleges to look at, driving to do, homework to finish, and sports after school. On a normal night, I don't get home until about 6:30 maybe. All the time after practice is spent on showering, eating, homework, and probably accidentally falling asleep. 

On top of that, I have anxiety, family problems, and possible depression to deal with as well. So, I'm doing what I can, but comments that involve asking me to update stress me out and anger me more than they should. I would really, really appreciate it if we could stop. 

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