Station 24.

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This would be perfect. A clean slate, away from the past. It was almost like a beautiful nightmare. Danielle, stepped up to the rather small building, smaller than a house it looked from the front. She didn't expect it to be so tiny. This was the moment. Time to buzz into the front office, for someone to let you in. As she hesitated for a while, the smell of the Chinese from across the road hit her; Danielle buzzed rather rapidly. She could hear loud deep voices in the office, then a very high pitched laugh. It was all coming to fast.

A tall, well built figure stood in front of me. Shoes nicely polished, like a mirror. Looking at my own reflection as she didn't dare look up. As Danielle slowly worked her head up th person, she noticed the smart dress code. No one had ever seen someone so butch. The shock hit her all at once, dizziness. Danielle looked at the face of this figure noticing a pony tail behind their head. Until the truth hit her, it was a female. She automatically knew, she wouldn't fit in here. It just wouldn't work being around tall, butch, masculine people. The tense feeling shuddered through her body as the silhouette invited her inside to meet the others.

'What if they don't like me?'

'Dont like you, the will love you. Trust me.'

As she walked into the daunting building the lights glistened on her head. She was walking into a building with someone she had only just met. Danielle hesitated to ask 'sorry, but may I get your name?'. Expecting a harsh reply, she was surprised when the woman said 'yeah, sorry i forgot to mention it. Call me Beast, that's what they all call me. How about yourself?'

    'Me? Well i don't really have nickname but I'm Danielle.' She quietly murmured. 'don't worry you will soon get one'. As they took more steps, they were at the office, in the office in fact. Surrounded by smartly dressed people. Something told Danielle she wouldn't fit in here; however she had to give it a go.

'Hello, my friend!' Shouted a rather high pitched voice from the other side of the office, whilst spinning round on a chair, throwing a pen up in the air and catching it. Lets just say looking rather bored!

Next minute, before she knew it sounded like a high pitch scream, almost a fire alarm began to go off. Each one of the men and women jumped up out of their seats and ran out of the office, down a corridor, through a room with bright clothing in it that they all jumped into before running out into a final room; in which there was a bright red engine, almost as long as the room itself was stored in. Danielle stood back to watch them disappear into the bright sunlight down the road, sirens going with lights, the lot.

Thinking she was the only one on station she went and sat in the office, on the frisbee like chair that the high pitched voice had come from. The phone was ringing, was she supposed to pick it up. She hasn't been told what to do and not to do yet. She left it for the best. Suddenly stood at the door way was a tall looking muscular man. I don't know who it is? what do i do?

          Many questions rushed through her head. 'May i ask who you are?' exclaimed the voice from beyond the door. Danielle did think about running out of the other door just behind her, until another person entered that doorway. She was trapped in between two what looked like fully grown men. The sense of fear lingered in her body, intruders is the first thing she thought. One man holding a knife, the other in a very good disguise as a firefighter. The first man entered the room, 'stand up follow me, no one will be hurt'. The second person entered the room 'Let go of the girl, get out of this station. if i see you here again the police will be getting called'.

Her savior, he had blondey brown hair with a little flick at the front; with those fresh sea blue eyes. Danielle's legs felt like jelly, she slumped back into her chair and got the sense of love rush to her heart, it was like love at first sight.

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