Chapter14: Is it really a texting fic if they don't play this game?

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1:30 pm

I have a question


It's about the coffee shop thing

Must we really talk about it?

It's not really about that just hear me out


Isabelle said you didn't order coffee

Correct. Does this mean you had some sort of gossip session about me?

It wasn't not a gossip session, we just talked about it,

Uh hu. It was totally a gossip session.

Shut up. Focus on the matter at hand

Which is?

You didn't order coffee


and it got me thinking

why would anyone go to a coffee shop and not order coffee

That's just crazy

Is it?

but then I realized that maybe it's because you don't like it

Am I correct?

You are


Magnus I don't think we can keep texting each other anymore

I mean not liking coffee that's just

It's too much

Tea alec

Tea is where it's at

I feel nauseous. Don't say that ever again


Gross. Disgusting. Unacceptable

Goodbye Magnus

And here I thought our friendship was indestructible

You need to understand

This is too big

It's not you, it's tea

I can't believe I'm getting dumped because I hate coffee

I can't believe you typed the word hate and followed it with the word coffee

Have you no shame

I...not really

You can have your bookshop ideas back

Sure. What time should I come pick them up?

No need. I don't wish to see your lying face, I'll send them over

I never said I liked coffee


you sit on a throne of them

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