ii. ignite

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Just wanted to point out that the little italiczied bits at the beginning happen during the duration of Aleks and James' relationship and friendship.

Idk if every chapter will have a flashback, but I imagine most will, and they'll somehow be related to the present day.

Also, the two years time skip is two years after their breakup, if that wasn't obvious.

Just wanted to state that.

I'm also sorry this is so long D:

I'm also sorry this part is absolute fucking shit.


"God fucking dammit!" Another string on Aleks' bass snapped. "That's the third one this week!" Aleks closed his eyes, sighing through gritted teeth. "I'm never gonna get this done if I keep breaking my fucking strings."  The gentle taps on the door prompted him to look up. "What?" He said with annoyance. "You okay?" James asked, his voice muffled. Aleks slid the bass's strap off his shoulder and glared at the instrument. Instead of placing it on its stand, he placed it on the floor beside him. "Yep. Never better." "Now that's a lie if I've ever heard one." James joked as he stepped into the makeshift office.

Aleks refused to look at him. He found the wall to be more interesting. James looked over his boyfriend.. He frowned noticing the bass. "Why's that on the floor?" Aleks shrugged, still avoiding eye contact. James sighed and walked over to him. "Look at me Aleksandr." He does as he's told. James cracks a smile at his pouting face. "Will you tell me what's wrong?" Aleks stares at the older man, then rolls his eyes. "My strings keep breaking." He gestures to the bass with a sigh. James glances at the instrument. "And if I keep breaking the strings, I'm not going to be able to finish the goddamn song, and then you'll be upset, and then I'll fucking be upset for making you upset and--"

"Hey.." James cut him off. He places a gentle hand on Aleks' face. Aleks leans into the touch. James bends his body just enough so they're face to face. "You're not going to upset me. You don't need to rush the song. Hell, you don't even have to write one for me." "But--" Aleks tried to protest, but James interrupts him again. "Let me finish, okay?" He nods. "Thank you. I know I can't talk you out of writing it. We both know you're a fucking stubborn asshole, but I think you should just chill out. You've been working your ass off trying to meet whatever your deadline is. Just take it easy for once, all right? You're not doing either of us any good by rushing it you know." James finished.

Aleks relaxed slightly when James softly pressed their lips together. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at the sight of his boyfriend's face. "How did I ever live without you?"


2 years later

Aleks hummed along to the rhythm he's currently working on. His head phone were plugged into his amp, partly as to not disturb his girlfriend, and partly so he couldn't hear her nagging. Much to his dismay and expectation, his girlfriend tapped his shoulder. He removed his headphone and turned to face her. He was instantly greeted by a sweet face and an even sweeter smile. "I didn't wanna bother you because you looked really focused, but I needed to ask if you wanted to go to the dog park with me and Mishka later." Aleks looked at her. "Uh, gee Kammi, I don't know. I've got a real good groove goin' right now."

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