Prologue -Struck by Love-

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Hey guys! It's the newest story in my Yandere Sim stories. Hope you guys enjoy!

It was the day that Ayano's heart leapt with joy. Osana was moving! Taro was finally hers and hers alone. Ayano never felt so happy, skipping between classes and humming her favorite tune. Then as the day came to an end, Ayano sneaked behind the lockers and spotted Taro talking to Osana.

"I'm really gonna miss you, Osana~Chan,"

"Well, I won't because YOU are such a scatterbrain. AND a bother I might add,"

Taro looked hurt but, inside he knew Osana was just saying that.

"Well, I guess I won't text you when you're gone," He smirked.

Osana scoffed," Wait! I didn't mean that! BAKA!"

They both laughed.

Ayano looked on with disdain. 

This will be the last time I will let you talk to my Senpai.


The next day's morning sun slowly rose and the new day had begun.

Ayano woke up with a start. Today was the day she would confess her love.

-Time skip to school-

The first period of the day was Gym and they were playing soccer. Ayano loved gym because it helped her run faster to catch victims.

Ayano fantasized about talking to her Senpai, making jokes, cooking food, and having fun together. Ayano was standing as goalie when the ball came soaring toward her face. She didn't even notice until it made contact.

The world went black.

"Budo? Taro? Stop fighting please. I love you both. . . both  . . ." A voice seemed to cry out in echo.

"Gaaah!" Ayano woke up the Nurse's office sweating.

"Oh! You're awake!" The nurse stood up holding a wet rag.

She patted a spot on Ayano's head. 

"What happened?" 

"Weellll, you got hit pretty hard by Asu's soccer ball you got knocked out. All you have is a bruise though so it should heal in a couple of days,"

"Do you think I'm strong enough to walk Kina~sensei?"

"Yes, I believe so. You've been asleep for 2 hours I suppose,"

Ayano shifted her position on the bed. "Okay," She slowly got up from the bed. "Thank you Kina~sensei!" She walked to the door and waved.

As Ayano walked down the hall she slowly got dizzy. The room began to spin and her head throbbed. She yelped. "H-Hel-p," Then as her body almost collapsed to the ground, 2 arms had caught her. Then Ayano blacked out.

"Ayano I love you with all my heart. Please accept me," 

"Ayano, I have loved you for the longest time, please I wish to be worthy of your love,"

More voices echoed out, pleading.

Ayano woke up, gasping in the arms of . . . Budo?!

"Budo~Senpai! Y-You caught me?"

"Of course, Yan ~Chan!" He looked at Ayano with concern. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah just got a little light headed is all," She blushed.


"Here let me take you to the Cooking Club so they can make you some tea,"

"Wait Budo! It's okay I don-,"

Before Ayano could finish her sentence, Budo picked Ayano up, bridal-style, and dashed away to the Cooking Club. As Budo carried Ayano, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled.

Kokona was just closing the club door when, Budo and Ayano arrived. 

"Kokona, can we use the kitchen?"

"Sure just lock it when you're done!" She smiled.

Budo stepped inside, still carrying Ayano.

"Um, Budo~Senpai? C-Could you put me down?" She blushed looking into his eyes.

"Oh Yeah! Right,"

He set her down blushing. 

"Let's start with the tea,"

"Oh yeah, of course. Here I'll do it, you sit down,"

Ayano went to sat down on one of the pink chairs. She fiddled with the table cloth. Why is Budo~Senpai being so nice? He must care about me. She sighed. I might be falling for Budo~Senpai but, I also love Taro~Senpai. Ayano's thoughts were interrupted by Budo's hand placing a cup of green tea in front of her. She smiled.

"Thank you Budo~Senpai,"

"No problem, now tell me this whole story on how you got hurt and got that bruise," He gestured to the bruise on Ayano's forehead, smiling.

"Well . . .

The rest of the school day the laughed and talked and told stories. Ayano had gained an interest in Budo. Ayano was once again,struck by love.

Who's the true Yandere now? ---Ayano Aishi X Budo Masuta X Taro Yamada---Where stories live. Discover now