"I'll Leave You To It Then!"

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Eliza's POV
Eliza stood off to the side in the dorm party. She was always quiet, and she very much enjoyed watching her sister dazzle everyone in the room. She had a red solo cup in her hand, it had no alcohol. Eliza wasn't much for drinking.

Peggy was sitting on the couch with John, laughing and cuddling as the music pounded in their ears. Angelica was by the snack table, talking to some guy about, what Eliza assumed, was politics.

Angelica finally stopped talking to the guy and walked over to Eliza. She had a look on her face and Eliza could already tell she was gonna try to convince her to dance.
"Betsey! Why aren't you dancing? I dragged you to this party because I want you to interact with people. It's your first summer at college, have some fun for five minutes." She persuaded, playfully shoving Eliza gently.
"Sorry, Angie. I'm just tired." She sighed.
"Please come dance with me?" Angelica put on a smile and Eliza couldn't resist. She let her sister lead her into the middle of the dance floor.

She did have to admit, it was fun to be in the middle of the party. But she was exhausted, so she was going to go home. Was.

That was her plan, at least, until she made eye contact with the most handsome guy she's ever seen. They laid eyes on each other and Eliza felt a small spark inside of her. She turned to Angelica, who had also seen him.
"This one's mine." She laughed.
"Alright, alright. I'll go get your boy for you." Angelica rolled her eyes.

Eliza watched as her sister talked to the guy. His hair was pulled back into a small brown-red ponytail. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Casual, but Eliza adored it.

She watched anxiously. Everything was going great until she saw it. Angelica touched her hand to his shoulder playfully. She was flirting with him. Eliza felt tears stinging at her eyes as he laughed and smirked. She knew, for sure, that Angelica had taken him away. After all, she was prettier, smarter, wittier, and older than Eliza. She couldn't compete with that.

She was just about to give up and go home, but then the guy turned to her. His eyes were the most beautiful Eliza had ever seen. She stopped in her tracks and gazed back at him as Angelica grabbed his hand and let her toward Eliza.

As they got closer, Eliza noticed more of his features. He had a small stubble and a very kind smile. His skin was slightly tinted, and she wondered where he was from. It didn't matter, she knew she was helpless.

The guy stopped in front of her, and they both hesitated to say anything for a second. Finally Angelica started the conversation.
"Um, Alex, this is my sister, Elizabeth Schuyler."
Alex grabbed Eliza's hand and kissed it gently.
"Alexander Hamilton. Pleasure to meet a beautiful woman such as yourself."
Eliza blushed. He had a way with words that she was smitten over.
"Formal. I'm Eliza." She wasn't sure what else to say.
"I'll leave you to it then!" Angelica backed away to go back to the dance floor.
"Well, hey Eliza. You can call me Alex, if you like."
Eliza bit her lip. She tried to contain her helplessness, trying to make a good impression.
"Sure, Alex. Um... Where are you from?"
"The Caribbean. I moved here two months ago."
"Nice." She wasn't trying to be unfriendly, but she really had zero idea what else to say to Alex. It was quiet for a moment, the music pounding.
"Let me take you somewhere. It's quieter and I'd love to get to know you better." He half-smiled, and Eliza nodded, blushing.

He led her outside to the courtyard. They sat on a bench under a cherry blossom tree.

For the rest of the night, they talked about what classes they have, and Eliza found it easier and easier to engage in conversation with him than with anyone else she'd ever met.

At the end of the night, around 3:00am, the Schuyler sisters were getting ready to leave.
"I'd love to see you again. Can I get your number so we can talk?" Alex asked politely.
Eliza internally squealed, writing down her number on a scrap of paper for him.
"Call or text me anytime, Alex. See you around!" She kissed him on the cheek softly.
His eyes lit up and he nodded.
"Goodbye, miss Schuyler!"

Part one! Woot! Ok so I wanted to write this bc there are hardly any Hamliza fics and honestly it's my OTP so I had to write one. Let me know if you have any ideas of what you want to read in this book :) bye for now


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