"I Don't Know..."

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{ok so this is gonna cover before-hand, like how Eliza reacted when Angelica came home. Sound good? Good. Have fun }

Angelica's POV
Angelica was sitting on the couch, typing on her phone when she heard a voice in front of her.
"Where were you?!" Eliza yelled.
"Eliza, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry." She got up and wrapped an arm around her.
"I was so worried about you..." She choked out.
"I know. I'm really sorry."
"Please tell me where you were?"

Angelica froze. She couldn't tell anyone about Laff. Everyone knew he had a girlfriend, and she already felt bad enough about that.
"I don't know..." She tried to lie.
"What does that mean?" Eliza broke away.
"I...I.. Can't tell you!" Tears formed in Angelica's eyes.
"You can tell me anything." Eliza looked at her. She knew Eliza hated seeing her cry.

Angelica sighed.
"I've been sleeping with Laff." She mumbled, looking away.

It was quiet.
"I thought he had a girlfriend...?" Eliza rubbed her eyes.
"He does, and... and, I know that, a-and I feel so bad." She cried.

Eliza hugged her.
"It'll work out. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was worried."
"N-no, Eliza. I should've been here. You got hurt a-and I should've been here. Instead of helping a cheater cheat." She cried into Eliza's shoulder.

"Alex came. It was alright. I'm sure it... won't happen again." She bit her lip.
"No. No. I-I'm breaking it off with Laff so I can b-be here for you." She pulled away for a moment.
"You're sure?"
"I'm sure."

Angelica's POV [Again]
Angelica knocked on the door of Laff's dorm. He answered slowly, but smiled as soon as he saw it was Angie.
"Hello, mon amour..."
She sighed. "Hi, Laff. Can we talk?"
"Of course. Where would you like to go?"

They went to a bar downtown. They sat next to each other, and Angelica didn't say anything.
"What's on your mind, my darling?" Laff turned to face her.
Tears formed in her eyes. "You can tell me anything." He smiled and picked up her chin.
"I...I'm not sure I can be with you anymore." Her bottom lip quivered.
"Oh." He faced forward again.
"Can... can I ask why?" He looked away.
"I can't live with myself knowing I'm helping you cheat. I'm sorry."
Tears fell down her face.
"Ange, Je vais rompre avec elle. Je veux dire, mon amour."
She turned to face him.
"Laff, English please."
"I'll break up with her. I really will. You mean more to me than she does." He wrapped an arm around her.
"We've been over this..."
"But this time I'm sure."

Angelica took a deep breath.
"Ok. But I can't see you until she's back."
"That's fair." He kissed her forehead.
"Goodbye, mon amour. I will call you."

Poor Angie. Poor Laff.
Oooooooh, some drama in the next chapterrrrr
As always, please leave me idea suggestions in the comments!!
Thanks for reading!

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