[help the penetrators]

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I jumped out of Sana's car waving goodbye to the remaining girls that sat in the car. I carried my bag up the stairs and unlocked my apartment door I walked in and looked up to see Chris and William. Standing in the kitchen. They looked at me as I through my bags onto the floor.

"I thought you where coming back later" William asked

"We left a little earlier then planned" I shrugged walking over to the fridge to get a bottle of water and chugged it down.

"Well how was it" Chris asked me and I sighed

"Um fun I guess. The Usual stuff done on a trip up to the cabin with you closest friends " I said nodding my head looking at the two boys

"Like what"William asked

"We skied, cooked talked relaxed. Sana and Chris scared the living shit out of us" I said

"You didn't answer any of my messages" Chris said

"I have my phone to Noora. Only ever looked at it to check Instagram or if someone important called me" I said

"I called you. You think I'm important" Chris smirked. Wow did that feed his ego

"No you called like five times before I picked up, you where simply annoying me" I said going to walk past them

"Hey Annabelle" William said causing me to turn around

"We kind of rashes a cabin and are in need for some serious cash. So where holding a event with a hook up auction, could you put some money towards hooking up with a penetrator guy. Or even better et people pay to hook up with you" William said

"I'm not letting you use me to pawn money off people. And I will not be used as a object designed for the pleasure of men and you shouldn't either" I said

"Lucky where not into men"  Chris joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Look I will donate some money" I said as I grabbed my bags to head upstairs.i closed the door only for it to open seconds later. I turned around to see Christoffer smirking at me

"What do you want" I asked as I turned around to start unpacking my stuff. I felt his hands go into my waist and he quickly spun me around.

"You" he whispered in my ear and I pushed him away

"Get out chris I have shut to do" I said

"Mmmm no let's talk about how we almost kissed" he said and sat in my bed

"So what I pushed you away"'I said

"Only because your friends came I could see how much you wanted to kiss me" Chris said he is smirk plaster across his face

"Oh my lord could your ego get any bigger" I asked and he chuckled but he grabbed my wrist pulled me down so I was straddling his lap out faces centre metres apart. I could feel his warm breath fan my face and the moment felt so intimate. I started into his soft brown eyes and then he lifted his head higher so he could reach my lips and connected them. I quickly started kiss back my mind lost in all the lust and live I felt for the boy. My brain finally cleared its way and realised how wrong it was to be kissing someone who has smashed my heart in the ground  repeatedly. I pushed him away and jumped up and grabbed my phone rushing out of my room and down to my car. I sped off driving to Eva's house in a lightning speed time. I got to the window to see her and Noora in there talking. I knocked and she let me in my first reaction was to fall on the bed next to Noora. Well that was my only reaction. They looked at me as I layed still on the bed not moving a muscle.

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