cute imagine 💖

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Justin has been on tour for a while and you miss him so much. You were home alone with drew, yours and Justin's child. Justin's birthday was coming up and you wanted to surprise him so you decided to call scooter:
Scooter: hello

Y/N: hii scooter its y/n

Scooter: oh hello y/n its been awhile how's you and drew???

Y/N: I know its been ages since we last spoke to each other and me and drew are fine , anyways I called you about justin, you see his birthday is coming up as you know and I was wondering If maybe me and drew could come up to surprise him ???

Scooter: of course you can that would be awesome, it would be a lovely surprise for justin. I'll tell Kenny to come pick both of you up on Tuesday.

Y/N: omg thank you so much scooter I'll see you on Tuesday.

Two days later
Kenny arrived and picked you and drew up and headed for the airport to LA. The plane ride was short but felt like you've been flying to LA for a month. Once the plane had landed Kenny grabbed your bags and headed for the car and drove to the hotel that justin was staying in.

When you arrived at the hotel, Kenny took you both up to Justin's room. "Y/N just wait here I'll tell justin that scooter wants him" said kenny", "thanks Kenny", you smiled, Kenny smiled back and left.

20 minutes later
You heard the door open and stood up holding drew in your arms, as soon as justin walking to the sitting area, a big grin appeared on his face. "Y/N I'm so glad your here" smiled justin, he gave you a big hug and kiss. Justin took drew from your arms and hugged him but making sure not to crush him. He then kissed Drew's head, "I missed you little buddy, I missed both of you". You walked up to justin and kissed him, "Happy birthday baby", Justin kissed you and smiled, " this is the best birthday ever".

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now