Cute / dirty imagine CONTINUED 💜

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You stood there shocked not knowing what to say next. He slowly walked up to you and handed you one of the drinks that he had.

"So about that message", said Justin as he broke the silence between the both of you. You still couldn't manage to speak, you just looked at Justin in silence. "(Y/N) are you ok???" Asked Justin.

"Am y..yh I'm fine", you finally spoke to him. "Ah good, I just thought you where on a different planet for a few seconds there", said Justin. You giggled and Justin smirked. "So again about that message, can we talk bout it, that's only if you want to though", Justin spoke nervously. "Oh am... Yh sure, we can talk, you did tell me to meet you out here and talk ", you replied back.

Walking over to sit down at the outdoor table beside the pool. Justin followed you. Once you both sat down you started of talking about school and what you both are going to do over summer. It then went silent until Justin spoke, "So.... That text that I sent you, you're probably thinking that I'm coward for not telling you to your face, but in fact I'm a coward when it comes to talking to someone that I really like, I'm the biggest coward you would ever fin...". You cut him off, "No Justin you are not a coward, to be honest it was brave of you to do so, not many boys would do that, especially with me, they would usually come up to me a lunch or if I'm at the mall with friends and tell me that I'm their girlfriend when I hardly don't know them".

"But you hardly know me though" said Justin. "I do know you Justin, you probably don't remember me but I use to live across the street from you, I was the quiet and shy one in that street and I also hardly had any friends, except the time when". "Wait wait you're not the girl who was bullied in the street and I stopped them from hurting you again right??" Asked Justin.

"Actually you are a 100% right, if it wasn't for you I would still be bullied to this day, that day changed me Justin, I learned to stand up for myself and not take shit from anyone anymore, you helped me that day and I'm grateful that you where there that day", you said as you looked into Justin's eyes. "Also I remember hanging out with you a few times after that but then we drifted apart a little".

"What happened to you though (Y/N), you disappeared, I remember going over to you're house everyday and no one would answer, so I gave up and thought that you didn't want to know me anymore", Replied Justin . "I got sent to a private school, it was a last minute thing. My parents made me go as they wanted me to succeed in my life, but then when I was old enough I moved back home, made new friends and went to a new school".

Justin put his hand on top of yours and smiled. "Well I'm glad that you came back and went to my school then. Look (Y/N) I really really like you, scratch that actually I love you (Y/N), since the day I laid my eyes on you, I knew that I had to have you, you're so beautiful, smart, funny and you are the most amazing human being in the world". You giggled and looked at Justin. "I have to admit that you weren't the only one who fell in love the minute you laid on eyes on that person. Justin I loved since I moved to your street. I didn't love you because you helped well that is apart of it but I loved you well before that". You replied.

You both leaned in and kept getting closer to each other until your lips both touched. Your lips were in sync with one another and things started to get a bit heated for the both of you.

Justin grabbed your hand and lead you into the house and out the front door. He escorted you to his car and you both drove to his. Once you's both got to Justin's, the pair of you couldn't wait and jumped out of the car and ran up to the front door. When Justin opened the door, you leapt onto Justin, wrapping you're legs around him.

He closed the door and carried you to his bedroom. When you reached his room, he opened the door with his foot, walking in with you still wrapped around his torso. Justin gently laid you in his bed and ran to the door and closed it.

He walked over to you and climb into the bed on top of you and started to make out with you again. He fiddled with your jean shorts and you realised that he was struggling, so you decided to help him out. You climbed off the bed and slipped off your jean shorts and you didn't stop there. Once you took off your Jean shorts, you took off your top along with your under wear.

Justin did the same until you were both completely butt naked. Justin laid back down on the bed, you then climbed on top of him on the bed and started to grind on him, he moved his hands to your butt and gripped it. You moaned and kissed his lips. He moved one hand to your clit and rub it gently and then started to rub a bit faster. When Justin did this you then pick up the pace and grinded on him even more.

You got wet really quick. Justin stopped what he was doing and reached for his bedside table drawer and pulled out a condom. You took it off him and opened and took the condom in your hand. You slid your other hand up and down his dick ever so slowly and pick up the pace. Justin moaned, "oh fuck".

You then stopped and put the condom on his dick and placed his dick at your entrance. You slowly slid down on his dick and started to ride him. You rode him for a good couple of minutes until Justin flipped you's both over so that he was on top.

Justin started to pump in and out of you fast and hard making you feel close to your climax. "Fuck, Justin, I'm gonna cum". You moan. "Hold it baby girl, I'm close to.. Fuck you're so tight ", moaned Justin. You were both really close and Justin picked up his pace again. "Justin I'm gonna cum", you moaned louder. "Cum for baby girl". Once Justin said this you came all over him. A few seconds after Justin came as well.

Justin pulled out of you and pulled you into bed with him, you both cuddled trying to catch your breath. "I love you (Y/N) so so much which is why I want you to be my girlfriend " said Justin. You looked up at him and smiled, "I love you too Justin and I would love to be your girlfriend".
You both laid there in each other's arms for the rest of the night.

Sorry that this is up late. I was at a birthday party last night and I'm now dying with a hangover but it was soooo worth it, so any ways enjoy.

If you want a personal imagine, DM me or comment below whatever is easier and I wills pet that you for you.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Thank you again for voting and more imagines to come.

-Carls 😝

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