All the best people are crazy

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A/N another drawing of Jay! Sucks even more than the least one but meh. Anyway things may get progressively worse from here on out as I have completely run out of ideas and I've been having sooo many breakdowns lately cos of school but anyway! On with the story!

This was it; the night of Jays first show. It had been fully 3 years since Jay had performed on a trapeze, and now she was only minutes away from doing it again. There was a familiar buzz of excitement surrounding the tent as people rushed around, preparing the final details of the performance. Jay was standing in the wings, looking out at the circular performance area, surrounded by people on all sides. Her eyes drifter up to the trapeze, which was all set up on the ceiling. She sighed, and placed her mask over her eyes.

Let's do this. For dad.

Mr. P did his opening act and then Jay slipped out from behind the Curtin, and sneaked up to the top of the trapeze.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I am proud to present to you....

The spotlight was suddenly on Jay as she held the trapeze in one hand and waved to the crowd with the other. She couldn't see them because of the bright lights and how high up she was, but she knew they could see her.

"As always this extraordinary young lady will defy death as she performs all of her stunts without the safety of a net!"

The safety net below her was dropped, and now it was time to begin. She stated with simply hooking her legs over the bar, and hanging upsidedown , and then grabbing the bar behind her and hanging off the second bar. She then did a few flips and other tricks. All the time below her the crowd gasped and cheered. Before she knew it her segment was over, and the net was set back up below her as she did 4 flips and landed on her back on the net. She smiled as she looked up at the ceiling. Something about flying made her feel...right.

She wasn't complete without it.

She carefully rolled off the side of the net and onto the floor and quietly sneaked backstage as Artemis began her routine as per usual, by firing flaming arrows up on to targets placed in the ceiling.

Soon enough the show was over an they were all on stage taking their final bows. As the cast wandered off stage, Giovanni came over to Artemis and Jay. Artemis smirked at him out of the corner of his eye, but luckily Jay didn't notice.
" hey guys, so you know how our next stop is Italy, well we are travelling through Vicenza, the village I grew up in and Mr. P says we can have the night off there! I would really love to show you around!" He said, a large smile on his face.

"Sounds cool! Wasddya' say Jay?" Artemis said.
"Sounds like a good excuse for a drink!" Jay laughed.

They all laughed and walked off together to go and help disassemble the large tent, all ready for their departure that night. All of the while Jay felt like someone was watching her, but she couldn't figure out who.

But Artemis knew who.


She had caught him multiple times catching a glimpse of Jay as she worked. She smiled to herself. She knew he had a crush on her, but she didn't realise that it was an 'I can't be in the same room as you without crapping my pants' kinda crush. The kind where you can't take your eyes off the other person.

Obviously Jay was completely oblivious to this fact.

Well then. Artemis said to herself.

Looks like this archer is going to have to play Cupid.

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