Alcohol and Tobacco Usage

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Hello! I'm here to tell you about what can happen when you smoke or drink.Well if you don't like informational IMPORTANT stuff like this I suggest you go find another book to read.Unless you really are interested listen up.


Well as you all probably know tobacco is a plant that many people grew back then and I guess you can say that it wasn't really a good thing.The thing I'm really shocked about is second hand smoke.(FYI second hand smoke is the well smoke coming of the cigarette that you may or may not breath in whall your walking past someone with a cigar.) And why am I shocked you might ask well I bet you didn't know that over 50,000 deaths are caused from it in just a year.Also im gonna tell you /list some things they use to make cigarettes.

1.Nail polish remover

2.Nicotine (bug spray)

3.Butane (lighter fluid)

4.Acetic Acid (vinegar)

5.Methane (sewer gas)

6.Arsenic (poison)

7.Carbon monoxide

8.Methanol (rocket fuel)


10.Ammonia (toilet cleaner)

11.Nicotine (insecticide)

12.Toluene (industrial solvent)

13.Hexamine (BBQ lighter)

14.Stearie Acid (candle wax)

15.Cadmium (batteries)

I really hope this helped you to realize how disgusting and bad tobacco is.


I'm sure your familiar with alcohol. For me when I grow up I'll only have one on a special occasion cause for me that's reasonable. But some people when they first have a drink they get more and some people can't go fifteen minutes without a drink these people are known as alcoholics. And when your a alcoholic you could be at risk of getting in a coma or dying and you could pass out in random places and if your ready to start drinking and your only what fifteen your really not ready cause you have to be twenty one or older before you have that first sip.But I wouldn't start because 75,000 alcohol realated deaths happen each year or so.Drinking too much alcohol could cause slow reflexes,memory loss,brain damage ect... I really hope this gave you an idea a bout good choices when you grow up.

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