Chapter Four

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"Honeystream, wake up!" Ravenfeather shouted.

Honeystream jumped up and Ravenfeather motioned to her to follow. Honeystream bounded out of the warriors' den and saw what all the commotion was about.

There was a flood. It had been raining for the past few days and Honeystream figured this would happen. Honeystream stood still and wondered what would happen.

"Honeystream come on!" Ravenfeather yelled.

"Coming!" Honeystream said.

Honeystream ran out of camp. Cinderfrost ran up to her, full of panic, she said,

"Have you seen Sparrowkit?"

"No. Why?" Honeystream replied.

Cinderfrost's eyes widened and replied,

"We can't find him!"

Quietstream overheard this and quickly ran into camp. He was searching in the almost flooded dens and swam out with Sparrowkit's scruff in his mouth.

"We need a medicine cat!" Honeystream yelled.

Dovefeather rushed over and glanced at the kit. She began pushing on the kits chest. Sparrowkit soon threw up the water and ran over to his mother.

"We need to go see if ShadowClan will accept us into their land until the flood dies down." Spiderstar called.

"I will be taking a small patrol with me. The patrol will be Dovefeather, Featherpelt, Dawnflower, and Ripplewater."

Dawnflower looked over at Ripplewater and they both nodded. Honeystream went over and talked with Ravenfeather and waited for the leader to return.

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