He had Changed...(A Harry Styles Vampire Fanfiction)

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You was running through the crowd of people to try to get to him. He had been gone for 5 months and you missed him, but he was finally back from tour, you were trying to get past all the people crowding around him and all the guys once they got off the plane. " Harry!!!" you screamed trying to get to him. After a bit of shoving and pushing you got to him. "(y/N)!!! I missed you babe!!!" He screamed over the fans screams as he hugged you and kissed you. Once Paul got you all past the fans and into the car Harry kissed you again. "Baby! O my god! I missed you.." You smiled and sat next him. You looked into his eyes...wait...there was something different about him. His eyes...they were almost a red color. He looked away. Now in the car he looked a lot more pale than before he left.

Once you got to the house you told him you were sleepy and you bet he was too after all the traveling. "No, I actually feel wide awake.. " he said looking over at you.
"Okay...well i'm going to bed Hazza." You told him as you went to hug him. He felt ...cold...his skin was like. Ice cold...
You pulled off and went on to bed.
~Next morning~~
You woke up and and got ready and walked to the living room. It was partly dark in the room and Harry was on the couch. "Hey. " You say sitting by him.
"Morning babe." He said.
"So I was thinking it is a amazing day out...maybe we could go out and go hiking or something. " You suggest but harry suddenly cuts you off. "No...lets just...stay home today...stay inside..." he says looking down some. You get a confused expression...Harry loved to go out of sunny days like this...something was wrong with him.. You look over and notice something on his lower lip. Something red..."Harry...what's on your lip?" you ask turning his cold face towards yours with your hand. He turns away quickly. "Nothing..probly just ketchup ....I ate a burger last night. Must not have got a drip of it off.."He says playing with his fingers
Harry was acting strange... What was with him?
You decided to later go on a walk. Harry stayed home. as you were walking you had to walk past some woods. In the distance you saw something large laying on the ground. You ran to it to see what it was. It was a deer...a dead deer.. But..There was no blood other than 2 small little bite marks on it's neck.  You decided to go back home after that.
"Harry??" you ask as you walked in..he wasn't in the living room, kitchen, or the bathroom. So, you go up to the bedroom and see him talking to one of the guy. You decide to ease drop You could hear everything perfectly He had the speaker on and was talking to Louis.

Harry-I know I know!
Louis-You have to tell (Y/N) sometime about what happened over tour harry or she will find out...
Harry- I know but what if she is scared of me then?
Louis-Harry your not the only on that changed over tour...I did...Zayn did...Niall and Liam did too. But you HAVE to tell her, before she finds out or one of us will...
Harry-I will tonight...or maybe tomorrow...maybe next week?
Louis-HARRY! NO! Tonight! Or I swear to bloody god I will call her now and tell her!
Harry-fine...I will tonight...
Louis-good...now see you later blood sucker.

Louis laughed a little as he hung up. You thought to your self. Scare me? Blood sucker? Changed? what happened over tour that harry needed to tell me? You thought. you gulped as you heard him coming you ran in to the kitchen so he wouldn't see you, he must have been right behind you the hole time cuz as you were running you tripped and feel, but, Harry was right here and caught you.. but it seemed like it would have been impossible for him to be right there..it was like he got to you at the speed of light... You had to of swore he was still in the room when you were half way down the hall... What was with him? This was weird. You hopped he didn't see or hear you listening to the phone call.

(Okay, I know it is probly horrible, but should I do part to where harry tell her his 'secret'??? tell me what u guys think. :))

He had Changed...(A Harry Styles Vampire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now