Chapter Seven: When Cute Boys Distract Drivers.

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Peter groaned as Haiden pulled him out of his spot on the loveseat booth. "Again, you're driving Everett. He has no other way of getting there-,"

"Where are you going to be?" Peter pouted, glancing back at Everett, who was frowning at Alex and Taylor.

Haiden rolled her eyes, pushing her hair out of her face. "I have to pick Sierra and Cameron up. Neither of them have cars- I guess their parents don't respect them enough to let them have one."

Everett frowned as he watched them- Peter only knew this because they were kind of staring at each other. Everett's hazel eyes were intense and narrowed and his teeth were digging into his lip, making it a few shades paler than usual. There was a hint of liquid cheese on the corner of his lip and Peter couldn't express how deeply he wanted to kiss him and rid him of it- he wasn't sure where the feelings came from so suddenly.

He supposed maybe he just wanted to kiss a cute boy. Which he was sure everyone understood. Sure, men were a part of everyone. But he knew, everyone (and he means everyone) has felt a little gay at times. There was no denying it. At first, when he was still struggling with who he was, he was caught staring for a second too long when another boy's shirt rode up slightly. Haiden had been the one with him through that, though.

It'd started in seventh grade, which was the year he'd met her. He was the one kid who always sat alone in the back of the class. The one who always got there early because he was trying to get away from his family. In the beginning, Haiden had liked him. They figured out he was gay when she asked him out, and he realized he'd never felt  that way about a girl. Two years later, Haiden told him she was bi. He wasn't sure why she'd been hiding it, but she definitely had been.

"Please, Peter?" Haiden pleaded.

Peter sighed, throwing his head back and glaring up at the ceiling. "Fine. I'll just plan to carpool with him whenever I can. He has a car, right?" he let his head drop back down so he could look at her.

Haiden snorted, "No, he walks to work everyday."

Peter rolled his eyes, "Okay, whatever. I'll let him know," he said, his voice dripping with fake enthusiasm.

Haiden sighed, "Just go. I'm not in the mood to bicker."

Peter flicked her forehead and turned to Everett after she'd left. "Looks like I'm stuck with you. C'mon."

Everett looked hesitant, but he stood up and nodded anyways. Peter wasn't sure Everett even liked being in his presence, but he decided not to think about that. He raised his eyebrows at Everett before heading out of the apartment, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. He walked down the hall while listening to Everett's steady footfall. He wasn't sure why, but  he started trying to match the pattern. After a few strides, Peter got the hang of it.

It wasn't like Everett was much shorter, he must just have shorter strides than he did. Peter almost tripped over his feet a few times, probably amusing Everett, knowing he was walking a few feet behind him. Peter eventually gave up, since they were out of the building at that point and he didn't feel like making a fool of himself in public.

They walked to Peter's car in silence. It wasn't necessarily an uncomfortable silence, but it definitely wasn't a comfortable one either. The sounds of cars honking on the busy New York streets made it so it wasn't actual silence of the environment, just silence between two teenage boys heading to a support group (aka safe space) because they were gay as hell.

Peter unlocked his car and walked onto the street to get into the car. Everett frowned and got into the passenger seat, jumping when Peter turned the car on and the radio blasted. Peter blushed and rubbed the nape of his neck after turning it down. Everett's eyes were round.

"Sorry." Peter chuckled awkwardly.

Everett frowned, "Do you normally have the radio that loud?"

"No, of course not." Peter said, pulling out of the parking space. Everett had a curious look on his face, and for some reason, the urge to kiss him grew.

"Why was it so loud?" he pouted.

Peter bit his lip- the pout was ruining him. "I had to drown out the sound of Alex and Taylor making out in the back."

Everett's face turned bright red, and a giggle escaped his lips. Peter smiled and switched lanes, his eyes widening when the car that had been behind them in the other lane veered towards them. Everett seemed to notice too, because he made a small squeaking sound that was cut off by the car ramming into his side of the car.



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