One Mans Trash Is Another Mans Treasure (Rated R)

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This is a story about YN and RayRay they are highschool sweethearts and have 2 beautiful twin girls named Karlie and Zoey. You and Ray are now 23 and you never really had a chance to be a teenager because you had the girls when you were 18, you let Ray push you around and hit on you, your childhood friend Daniel(Diggy Simmons) hates him but one day Ray goes to jail and your life changes drasticly

Chapter 1

As I sit it the corner in a bloody mess i wonder how me and rayray got here. one minute i was his everything then in a blink of a eye i became his punching bag. I start to reminisce about how we met.....2004 summer was beginning and we were just getting out of grady christian school. Sarah: Im so glad today is our last day of school. Let the summer begin. I cant wait to party and get wasted all summer! YN:Oh my god you drink? Mama Washington is gonna kill you if she finds out. Sarah: She wont have to because she WONT find out but what are you doing this summer Mrs. party pooper? YN: I have to join my fathers chior and help teach sunday school to the younger kids. Sarah: Dang home girl paster Richards dont give you no type of breaks, during school you have after school programs, swimming lessons, and gymnastics. YN: Girl and you forgot violin too lol. Sarah: Girllll you betta den me cuz i would not do none of dat stuff lol. YN: What am i gonna do say no. Girl i dont have white parents like you i cant just say whatever i want and get away with it. Sarah: Girl did you forget i have a black dad. YN: But your dad doesnt say anything to you because he doesnt wanna make you mad. Sarah: Well you right. But anyway Cam and Rich is throwin a party tonight. are you coming? YN: I have gymnastics tonight. Sarah: Tell them you cant make it and tell your dad after practice your coming to my house. YN: I dont know about that he knows when Im lying. Sarah: Let me see your phone. YN: Why? Sarah: Just let me see. YN: *Gives Sarah your phone. Sarah: Girl you got the new iphone these things cost a ton. YN: Thats a guilt iphone my dad was too "busy" to come to my swim meet. Sarah: Well i should have like 30 lol. Sarah:*calling a number. Hallo I mean hello Paster Richards This is Sarah Washington YN's friend I was wondering if YN could spend anight at my house after her gymnastics? Yes Sir . We will not sir. Thank you sir have a great day bless you too. YN: WELL! What did he say. Sarah: He said sure dont stay up late and make sure your up bright and early for chior practice. I cant believe he just said yes. YN: Me either girl. Sarah: Well lets go get dressed. 9:30pm. Sarah: Girl get out that dang bathroom so we can go we already a hour late for the party.

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