Reunion! (Chpt. 3)

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She couldn't believe it. She utterly refused to believe it. Y/N wasn't prepared to meet Andrew's ex again. She doesn't even dare speak her name. It felt like the phone sank deep into her skin by now. On the inside, she cared deeply for Andrew, Oh how she longed for them to officially be a couple. But she refused to show those emotions, although she can't fully contain them. She sighed as her grip loosened on her phone. She didn't want him to get hurt. They've been living together for 3 and 1/2 years for Pete's sake! Of course she would eventually stupidly fall in love for the guy. Once again, the girl falls into the love trap, waiting for her captor to choose her destiny.

"Y/N! Over here!"

Y/N looked up and to her right she found her most trusted friend, Samantha! With her stylish blue jean jacket, black crop-top, gray leggings, white runners, and her orange leather purse, to Y/N, she could be spotted miles away. Samantha's luscious dirty blonde locks swayed as she ran over to give Y/N a hug.

"Sam! About time you got here!" Y/N yelled happily as the two embraced each other in a hug. Man, did Y/N miss Sam. She hasn't seen her since what, a month ago?

"Hey, Y/N! Long time no see, am I right?" Sam giggles, releasing Y/N from her tight grasp. Samantha works as a tailor, designing dresses, shirts, pants, to Y/N, it seemed like Samantha had found her calling. Samantha only gets a couple of days off of work since her co-workers are always on and off at work, so she handles most of the dirty work. But she always texts Y/N when she can. "How's life treating you?"

"It could be better," Y/N groaned, remembering that she still has to meet up with Lola. "But it's improving just with you here. How about we go shopping?"

"I dunno. I'm feeling kind of hungry right now. Its 12:00, and this tailor wants some lunch." Sam smiled, her white teeth flashing in the sunlight. Y/N couldn't help but laugh, Sam was one person who could make almost everyone smile and or laugh. The one main thing that Y/N enjoyed the most about Sam was the fact that she stayed positive in a tough situation.

Her smile is like the plague... Y/N thought as she stares into the dirty blonde's gorgeous golden brown eyes with a smile. She watched her friend intensely, but with a soft gaze as Samantha talks about food.

"...Y/N? Hellooooo? Come on girl, we gotta get some foooodddd!" Sam whined. Y/N simply giggled and grabbed her hand as she led the way to the food court.

"Which one do you want?" Y/N asked as she walked down the corridor. Samantha shrugged.

"Food is food. Your choice."

"Well that's really helpful Sam." Y/N rolled her eyes as she pulled her friend towards a Dairy Queen. "How about Dairy Queen?"

Sam nodded. "I never really understood why they called it Dairy QUEEN. Why Not Dairy KING?"

"Probably because it would be a rip off of Burger King. You can't have two kings in a kingdom, am I right?" Y/N pointed out. Sam didn't respond for a moment as she pondered what Y/N had just said, while Sam was pondering, Y/N ordered the food.

Sam shrugged. "You right, you right. But wouldn't twice the king make twice the power?"

"No... That would just contradict each other. Unless the Kings were gay, then that would make sense."

"True..." Sam giggles as she grabs the food and sets it down at a table. Y/N follows after her and sits down. Sam sits down as well and the two start talking about their past week.

"Are you kidding me!? Did he really!?" Y/N gasps. Sam nods and makes a talking motion with her hands.

"He really did, and the worst part was he completely trashed my dad's truck! Thankfully he went to jail for it, but who knows what he's doing in there."

"Probably trying to break out like all the other criminals." Y/N jokes, trying to lighten the mood. The dirty blonde laughs quietly, taking a bite out of her burger. Y/N smiles, glad that she managed to lighten the mood.

It was peaceful for the time being before somebody walked over to their table.

"Heeeeyyyy Ladies....~" Y/N could instantly tell that this guy was drunk and she scowls. But instead of resorting to violence she simply decided to talk it out.

"H-Hello? Can... We help you sir?" She asked, a bit suspicious. Sam looks up at the guy, he looked about 5'7. His dark chestnut hair sticking upwards in a Mohawk. From one glance at the guy, Sam knew that she wasn't going to enjoy what he has to say.


Heyyyyyy! Uploaded again, Finally! Sorry. I just didn't have enough motivation to write on WattPad recently. But I've gotten this uploaded so enjoy!

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