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''Mama! wheres papa? where is everybody?'' i asked my mother in a panicked tone. all she did was shush me as we hurried up the stairs and into her and papa's room where she finaly let go of her death grip on my hand to kick over the rug that lay over a door in the floorboards.

''Maggie you need to listen to me okay? i need you to go into the latch and stay in there no matter what okay?'' she asked as she scooted me inside but i took her hand in mine and gave her a panicked look, she knew i hated the dark why was she putting me in here?!

''Mama! no no no please don't make me go in there alone! where's papa? what's happening?'' my voice cracked as tears started pouring down my face. My mothers scared eyes softened and her eyes became glassy. She took my small hands into hers and kissed them. ''I need you to be brave maggie dear, Can you be a silent and brave little girl for me?'' My mother asked in hushed tone as she started to unclasp the bracelet she always had on her wrist. i watched with scared eyes as she shakingly started to tie it around my small wrist.

''Mama p-please tell me what's happening.'' i pleaded with her, what was going on?

''There are rogues maggie, many of them. But i need you to remember to stay in here and to know how much your papa and i love you. we love you so much'' Mama told me as she stroked my face lovingly. She kissed me on both cheeks and gave me a shaky smile as slowly started to close the latch. i started to freak out and pleaded to mama to stay with me. she put her finger to her lips and once again told me she loved me and to be brave.

''I promise to be back okay? I'm sure everything is alright. I just need to check.'' She told me. i could hear the uncertainty in her voice but with that promise burned into my head i let her close the door and hastily cover it up with the rug again. I slowly settled into the small space i had and clutched the bracelet she gave me and closed my eyes tightly, imagining being in my mama's arms as tears streaked my face.

''Maggie, Maggie!, MAGGIE JACOBS!''

''Ah-Huh?!'' i bolted straight up from my nap and looked around the room so fast i'm sure i looked like a demon was ready to possess me. ''So good to have you catching up on sleep but please refrain from doing it in MY CLASS'' Mr. Drew scolded me. Giggles and snickers could be heard from around the whole room.

''S-Sorry Mr. Drew i-it won't happen again'' i blushed as i tucked a strand of my brown hair behind my ear, i would be willing to bet i was as red as a tomato. This was the 2nd time this week i have fallen asleep and have gotten in trouble at school. I sighed as i began to rub the sleep out of my eyes and clean up my paper covered desk as the bell rang. i cursed under my breath as i hastily shoved everything in my bag and booked it out of their before Mr. Drew could lecture me on healthy sleeping patterns and whatnot. Since it was the end of the day i had to dodge the many hyped up teenagers as they made their way out of school grounds. I thought back to my dream as i zig zagged through the parking lot.

You would think you could never dream about a memory huh? not the case for me. i winced as i remembered the thought of losing my parents. It was all i dreamed about. i absent mindenly chewed on my lip as i made my way to my old beat up truck. i yanked open the door and threw my bag in and i followed suit. i rested my elbows on the steering wheel and held my face in my hands. i have no idea how long i just sat there reeling back and looking over that whole dream.

But a tap on my window by my best friend Troy Vega brought me right out of my thoughts. i blinked several times and rolled down my window to my blonde smiling friend.

''Hey!'' She smiled happily as her eyes roamed my tired looking appearance, ''You look tired as hell.''

''Well at least my looks match what i'm feeling right now'' i muttered. ''What do you want?'' i asked. She gave me a look that said ''are you serious''

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