Chapter 3

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Hinata arrived only to see cops all around the house.

"HINATA OH MY GOSH I WAS SO WORRIED!!" Her mother said to her

"Mother why are the cops here?" Hinata asked

"Don't be silly, Kiba told me you were kidnapped by that horrible Uzumaki boy." hinata's Mother said with venom in her voice.

"Mother I wasn't​"HINATA THERE YOU ARE"" Hinata said before she was rudely interrupted by non other then Kiba

"What do you want." Hinata said With venom

"Hinata be nice he's your boyfriend. He's just worried about you that's all. Isn't that right Kiba" hinata's Mother said

"That is correct. Hinata you had me so worried yesterday when you were taken by that Criminal. Are you alright." Kiba said trying to sound worried while sorta glaring at Hinata.

Hinata sighed "mother we are No longer together. He cheated on me with Hanako and lost all my respect for him. I am tired of being his money source and dealing with his lies. Yes to you he may seem like a perfect husband for me but he's not. Remember those bruises I had, yeah I didn't fall, he was drunk and wanted to have sex but I said no and hit me not just once or twice but multiple times. Mother I am NOT in love with him nor was I kidnapped! I went willing after he" Hinata pointed to Kiba "slapped me twice! He even had the audacity to call me pathetic! And YOU!!!" Hinata turned towards Kiba "I told you I didn't want to see you again." With that she went inside her house and to her bedroom leaving her mother in shock.

"Kiba-kun is that true. What my daughter just said?" Hinata's mother said

"Wh-What no that's not true at all. I believe that Uzumaki boy brainwashed her." Kiba said with hesitation

"You hesitated. My daughter has a device that allows her to contact the cops when in danger and she only had to use it once. Kiba-kun my husband and I will not have our oldest daughter marring a cheater who lost her respect. Goodbye and have a nice life." hinata's Mother went to the police and told them that it was just a false alarm and for them to go home.

Once inside hinata's mother went to hinata's room to talk to her.

"Hinata I believe you but you are still not allowed to see that Uzumaki kid. He is a criminal and criminals don't deserve love. Just think about all those people he killed and injured."

"Mother he cares for me and I care for him too. He would never hurt me." Hinata tried to reason with her mother

"Hinata my decision is final. I do not want my oldest child to be tricked and killed by a criminal." Hinata mother turned around and walked out of her bedroom closing the door after her.

She sighed as she got out her song book and turned to an empty page.

"Look likes it's time to write a new song." she murmured to herself As she walked over to her guitar and pulled out a pencil and song notebook.

After a while of song writing she heard a knock on her door.

"Hinata-Sama, Ino-san and Temari-san is here." a maid said for the other side of the door

"Alright thank you Yuki-san. Tell them I will be right down." Hinata replied as she checked the time '2:42pm, better hurry' Hinata thought.

She quickly got dressed in a lavender skirt that reaches just above the knees with a white tank top and a purple crop top. She wore white flats and a pair of white and lavender hoop earrings. Once she was changed she went down stairs to greet the girls.

"Hina-chan are you ready?" Temari asked

"Yeah let's go. MOTHER IM GOING OUT TO EAT WITH INO AND TEMA." Hinata said before leaving.

On the way to the restaurant there was little talk. Once they got seated then the real talk begun.

"So Hina-chan I heard you broke up with Kiba." Ino said

"It was Hanako again wasn't it?" Temari asked

Hinata just nodded her head

"More like Haha No to me." Ino said trying to make a joke out of the name.

"Have anyone seen Teny?" Hinata decided to ask ignoring Ino's not so funny joke "she said she would be here."

"Oh she called me earlier and said that she needed to go somewhere and wouldn't make it today. I asked her where and why but she said to wait until the get together the day after tomorrow." Temari answered.

"Souka" Hinata smiled

"What happen to you the other day anyways we were informed that you were kidnapped or something of that sort?" Ino questioned

"Oh that" Hinata blushes and started to play with her fingers "I see Uzumaki Naruto saved me from Kiba and Went with him to get away if that made any sense."

"Yeah that made sense.....Wait UZUMAKI AS IN THE UZUMAKI NARUTO!!" Ino shouted

"Shush Ino keep your voice down." Temari said as she hit Ino on the head while Hinata blushed "Isn't Uzumaki Naruto a criminal though?"

"uh...yeah but he's a good guy if you don't count the people he hurt or the places he robbed. Look he even got us matching charm necklace." Hinata said as she pulled out the charm necklace.

"Woah" Ino said "it so pretty"

"What did your mother say about this "relationship" with him?" Tema asked

"She doesn't want me to see him anymore" Hinata said looking down" but the truth is I don't know if I Will be able to see him again. I mean the world is so big and with my career and everything going on, I'm just so busy."

"Let's change the topic this is getting to depressing." Ino said

"Right new topic" Hinata said with a smile. The girls looked at each other got a while longer before they burst out laughing.

"I don't even get what's so funny but whatever lightens the mood works" Tema said after calming down.

"Well it's about time I leave" Hinata said looking at her phone. The time read 4:59pm. "Time goes by fast when your with friends"

"Yeah same here see you guys at the get together." Tema said as she got up.

"See you guys then." Ino said. They all waved good bye to one another and parted ways.

It's been a long time since I updated so I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Where do you think Tenten want and why?

Will Hinata ever see Naruto again?

Word count: 1120

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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