Chapter 8

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(Ashoka's POV)
It's around midnight when I start feeling these bad cramps and I have been feeling cramps all day and I just played it off thinking the baby is just moving. I decide to ignore them because I'm thinking it's just the baby  trying to get comfortable so I go back to sleep way to tired to care. An hour later the pain grows unbearable and I wake up quickly feeling water underneath me. "Oh Force." I mutter quietly in pain. "Ani. Ani." I say shaking him gently to get him up. I get nothing but a snore. I wince as the pain increase. I hit him hard with a pillow saying "ANAKIN SKYWALKER GET UP NOW!!! IM IN LABOR!!!" The light turns on quickly and he bolts up quickly and faces me panic spreading across his features. "AHHHHHH!!!!" I scream leaning over in pain grabbing onto the pillow tightly. "Ashoka. Ashoka look at me. Just breath in and out. Okay. I'm going to get Padmè." He said getting out of bed and rushing out of the room. "SOME TYPE OF BOYFRIEND YOU ARE!!!" I yell in pain watching him leave the room. A few seconds later he comes back with Padmè and R2 who is carrying everything I need for having the baby. "AHHHHHH!!!" I scream again leaning over more in pain. Anakin rushes over to my side and holds me gently. I breath and cry against him grabbing onto his arm. "Shhhhh Ashoka just breath. I know it hurts but just breath." He said rocking me. I wince and scream trying to breath. Anakin continues to rock me as he lays me on my back gently. "Uhhhhhh!! Force this hurts!" I moan in pain as the contraction stops. "I bet honey. Just breath. I'm here now and everything will be fine." He said holding me and stroking my Leuke. "Just a few more minutes then you can start pushing Ashoka." Padmè says checking me then getting everything ready. I nod and close my eyes and scream loudly in pain as a contraction hits hard. "Uhhhhhh!!!!!!! Force!!!!!!!!!" I scream tightening my grip on Anakin's arm a bit. "I wanna push." I whine in pain crying. "I know but you just gotta wait a few more seconds Ashoka." Padmè says. I whine and wince in pain. "I hate you so much Anakin for getting me pregnant." I say looking at him not meaning anything I say because I'm in pain. "I know you do honey." He said understanding and shrugging it off. I close my eyes and scream again loudly. "Oh my Force!!!!!" I yell loudly. "It's okay Ashoka." Anakin says holding me against him gently. "Your ready to start pushing now Ashoka. So next time you feel a contraction push as hard as you can." I hear Padmè say. I nod and breath throwing my head against Anakin's defined chest gently. "Oh Force..... I need to push now!" I say feeling a contraction. "Go ahead Ashoka." Padmè says nodding. I scream and push hard and hold Anakin's arm squeezing it. "Good job Ashoka. Okay stop and take a breather." Padmè says. I nod and stop taking a breath and closing my eyes tearing up more in pain and start pushing again holding onto Anakin's hand tightly. "That's it Ashoka your doing good. "Force this hurts like crazy!" I yell breath deeply and pushing again. "Am I done yet? It hurts so much." I add crying. "You have a while yet Ashoka." Padmè says. I groan and push screaming. This continues on well into the afternoon. "Uhhhh I can't do this anymore." I say growing weaker. "You have to Ashoka don't give up now. Just two more big pushes and it will all be over." Padmè says. "I can't do anymore. I'm tired, sore, and weak." I say sweeting and panting. "Snips you can and you will do this. Think about holding our daughter in your arms for the first time." Anakin says stroking my Lekku. I nod and start pushing again with whatever strength I have left. After two pushes I feel relief rush over me and hear a tiny cry. "Oh Ashoka she's so pretty." I hear Padmè say as she cleans the baby. "You were great Ashoka. I'm so proud of you snips." Anakin says kissing me lightly. I smile and look over at my daughter weakly. "She's so tiny." I say holding her gently in my arms once Padmè brings her over. The baby was my skin color with my Lekku color, Anakin's eyes color, and his physical features. "She looks like her mommy." Anakin says smiling down at her. "And her father." I say weakly. "Awwww so cute. So what is her name?" Padmè asks cleaning up. I look up at Anakin who just shrugs. "I think her name should be Skyler Tano Skywalker." I say weakly. "I love it. It's perfect for her." Anakin smiles. Skyler blinks and starts to whimper and squirm. "Shhhhh shhhhhh it's okay. Your okay. Mommys here." I coo rocking her gently. She continues to cry. "There there little Skyler. Daddy's got you." Anakin said taking her in his arms gently and rocks her lightly. She stops crying and looks at him silently. "She's a daddy's girl. I can tell." I say smiling tiredly. "Yeah. Get some rest honey you need it." He says looking at me softly. I nod and fall asleep not realizing how tired I was.

(Anakin's POV)
After Ashoka fell asleep after delivering our daughter Skyler I decide to hold my daughter to calm her down and let Ashoka sleep. I watched Ashoka sleep and see how weak and tired she is. "My soka. So cute." I say holding my daughter against me gently. "Anakin come on." Padmè says walking out with me quietly so we can let Ashoka sleep. "So Anakin now that you have your daughter what are you going to do now?" Padmè asks me. "When she gets bigger I'm going to teach her how to build another R2 and I'm going to teacher her how to use a lightsaber. The force is strong with her. I sense it." I say walking holding my tanish red daughter against my chest. "Wow starting early now are you? So your not going to let her make friends and do anything that's for girls?" She asks me. "No I will let her do stuff for girls as well." I say looking at my daughter. "But most off all I want her to be safe. She's my little princess and I want nothing to happen to her." I add holding her. "Good. Your going to me such a good dad. Ashoka's lucky to have you." She said smiling and she's right I couldn't have done anything without her being near me. I need to do something special for her and I know exactly what I am going to do. Padmè smiles and goes into her office and starts to work. I sit on the couch with Skyler in my arms and watch her tiny little hands hit against my chest light as she yawns and falls asleep. "Your so cute princess. Mommy and I are very happy to have you. You gave mommy a hard time but it was all worth it because now your here. I'm going to make sure you are safe and happy my little princess." I say to her as she sleeps. Skyler sleeps against me and I watch her till my comlink goes off and I answer it quickly before Skyler could wake up. "Skywalker here?" I say into it. "Oh Anakin thank goodness I was able to reach you." I hear my old master say. "Yeah Obi-wan. What you need?" I ask holding Skyler gently. "I just wanted to make sure you and Ashoka are okay cause I haven't heard anything from you since you left for that mission." He said. "We are fine. Askoka and I are staying with Padmè and Ashoka just had her baby." I say looking at my sleeping daughter. "Oh congrats. I'm on my way to Naboo for a meeting maybe I could stop by and see you and Ashoka and your child." He said. "I guess that would be alright. I just have to check with Ashoka." I say looking at Skyler still. "Alight. I need to go. Bye Anakin." He said. "Bye master." I say ending the conversation. "Well Skyler you get to meet someone important." I coo gently. She squirms and wakes up and yawns blinking. "Hey princess lets go see mommy." I say standing up and walking to my room where Ashoka is and see she is awake. "Hey look who's up. It's mommy." I say walking over to Ashoka an sit next to her. "Hi baby." She said taking Skyler gently. I smile and watch her. "Oh honey Obi-Wan talked to me and asked he could see you and I and Skyler. He's going to be here for a meeting. Is it okay he stops by to see us?" I ask her. "No I don't want too see him." She said. "Okay I'll tell him now." I say standing up and leaving and calling Obi-Wan as Skyler starts to cry hungry. "Kenobi here?" Obj-Wan said. "Hey master it's Anakin. I asked Ashoka and she says that she's not up to anyone visiting right now. Sorry." I say. "Oh okay." He said ending the conversation.  I sigh and go back to Ashoka who was feeding Skyler. "So what did he say?" She asks me not looking up from feeding for Skyler. "He said okay and just hung up." I say shrugging and sitting down. "Oh okay." She said still feeding Skyler. "Yeah. You okay?" I ask. "I'm fine. Still sore but fine." She said. "Okay good. The soreness should go away." I say rubbing her shoulder gently. She smiled and fed Skyler. "Thanks Anakin. For everything. I love you." She said looking at me. "I love you too." I say smiling.
(Hey guys chapter 8 is up now. Hope you enjoy. Love ya guys. -Ashlee.)

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