Izuku Midoriya and (Y/N) (L/N) - Origin

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        "(Y/N)! Get up, its time for school!" your father shouted from the kitchen. "I'm up, I'm up!" you yelled back, drowsily. Just another Monday you thought. When you were done getting ready, you headed downstairs to get some breakfast. Noticing your dad had already left for work, You started to eat what he left out for you. "Eggs and bacon again, huh? I guess I need to go shopping." you muttered to yourself.

        When you were almost done with your meal, the doorbell rang. "(Y/N), I'm here!" It was Midoriya Izuku, or Izu-kun as you called him, one of your best friends since you moved to Tokyo back in the first year of Junior High. "Coming!" you replied while putting your dish in the sink, grabbing your bag and heading out the door to meet with him. "Hey Izu-kun, good morning!" "Good morning, (Y/N)." As you both walked to school you taked about how each other's weekends were like and dabbling in other subjects until you got to school. Once you got into class, the bells rang. The teacher came in and after you did the traditional welcoming the teacher, he spoke of something that peaked everyones intrests. "As you know, it is your final year of junior high and that means you all need to think about what you will do with your future," he started, but then threw the paperwork he had into the air, "..But we all know you will choose the Hero course!" Everyone soon started to shout, using their quirks, as well as you, but then someone started to make a ruckus.

        "I really do not intend to make buddy-buddy with those who have 'weak individualities' you know?" Bakugou Katsuki, another person you met in junior high, spoke loudly. "What do you mean Katsuki!?" the other students angrily said to the explosive boy. "Shut up you secondary characters, behave as such!" he replied just as loud. The teaher started to speak again. "Oh yes, indeed Bakugou... you want to go to... 'Yuuei Highschool', don't you?" As the other students started rambling on about Yuuei, You noticed Izuku tryng to hide himeself in his arms. "Izuku.." You started to mutter. "I'm not surprised that secndary characters like you are quacking! I got an A on the exams! I am the only one here that will go to Yuuei!" Bakugou stated. "I will even surpass All Might, and then, I will become the highest ranked hero of all!" Before he said that, you weren't paying attention, but after he mentioned All Might, you were intrigued. "Oh," the teacher started again, "Now that we tak about it, it's true that Midoriya and (L/N) also wish to enter Yuuei." After he said that, Bakugou seemed to have turned to rock and all eyes were on him, even though the teacher mentioned you. Soon after they all began to laugh saying things like 'Its impossible for Midoriya' or 'Someone who can only study can't join the heroes section'. You stood up, about to defend him before he stood up from his chair and started to speak.. "It... it's not set in stone! You just say that because it has never happened..."

        Right at that moment, Bakugou went to punch him using his quirck. "Izuku!" You screamed while getting held back by Bakugou's jockeys. "You don't even have 'weak individuality', you... you got nothing! So why are you trying to enter the same arena as me, huh?!" He yelled at Izuku. "Wait... you're wrong. Not so fast, Kacchan" Izuku began using his nickname for Bakugou. "I don't intend to compete against you, not at all! ...I swear! It's just... It's my goal since I was little... and then..." He muttered off, "...Nothing ventured, nothing gained.." Bakugou the began to yell loudder, hurting almost everyone's eardrums. "What do you mean by that?! Say your prayers! What are you capable of, anyway?" when he said that, you budded in by blasting water at his two goons and stood infront of Izuku, blocking him from a hit by Bakugou. "Stop Bakugou, whats so bad about someone going to the same school as you anyways? It desn't make you that special!" You stated. Bakugou gave a small grunt and sat down at his desk. After the teacher calmed everyone down, class went as it normaly did.

        At the end of class, you walked to where Izuku sat. "Hey Izu-kun, I'm gonna go get us some drinks for our walk home. meet me out at the front gate, okay?" Izuku smiled and replied with a small okay. You walked outside by a little bond next to a vending machine and bought the two drinks, but as you walked away you heard something splash into the water. "Hm?" you questioned yourself, turnign around and walking towards the little pond. Inside you found a familiar book with Izuku's handwriting, though it was burnt. Bakugou! you fuumed. Using your water manipulation quirk, you sucked the water out of the book and threw the water back into the pond. Holding his notebook, you started to march right back to the classroom. In the halls, you saw the one and only trash master and his 'friends' and decided to play trick on them. using you quirk again, you made it do that all their mouths seemed to dry out and they all started to cough. By the time they realised it was you, you were already out of their range of sight.

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