Acceptance and Academia

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  A week has passed since the exam has taken place, and even though you received your letter, you had promised your dear friend Izuku that you two would open them together. "Bye mom, dad, I'm going over to Izu-kun's place!" you yelled while putting on some shoes. Turning around to grab your small bag with the letter inside, you noticed your mom sticking her head out of the kitchen. "Bye sweetie, make sure you're home by 10!" Giving a curt nod, you strolled out of your house and down the street to Izuku's. You knocked on his door, expecting him to answer, but his adorable, pudgy mother came to your aid. "Oh, hello (Y/N)-chan, come in! Come in!" Taking off your shoes you bustled in after saying thanks. Once you walked into the dining room, as they were almost at the end of their dinner, and saw Izuku staring at his food. "Izu-kun!" you yelled to try to snap him out of it. He didn't seem to respond until his mom Told him what he was doing. "Ah, sorry... I'm okay... Oh, (Y/N)!" he said quickly. 

        After he finished, you both retreated to the living room, after helping clean up of course, and waited until his letter arrived. While waiting, Inko had asked how your family was doing and many things while Izuku just started zoning out again. Bringing your attention back to him, you waved at him. "Hey Izuku, have you told your mom about your quirk?" you whispered to him, making sure his mom couldn't hear. Snapping back to reality again, not without blushing a bit at your closeness, he gave a shake of his head. "I'm going to go check the mail, aren't the results due back today?" "Uh-huh..." he muttered while you rubbed circles on his back, a method you picked up to calm him when he's scared or stressed while knowing him. Inko gave an awkward laugh. "You know, honey, even if you didn't make it, I still think what you accomplished is amazing!" I know she's trying to help, but... 

"Izuku, are you okay?" you asked while his mom was out of earshot. "I'm fine, it's just..." he trailed off, a scared look on his face as he set his phone down and picked up a dumbbell. "I don't think I made it at all!" Giving him a one armed squeeze, you gave a sympathetic smile. "Don't think like that Izuku! With that punch, you saved me and that girl. The examiners must have given you tons of points based on that attack!" He gave you a half smile after your pep talk. "Thanks for believing in me (Y/N)-chan..." A blush spread over your cheeks.

        At that moment, you heard a ruckus coming from the front door along with Inko yelling out Izuku's name. She stumbled in with a couple of deep breaths with a familiar looking letter in her hand. "Izu-kun, it's here!" you exclaimed. "It came! It's here honey!" Inko added. 

As you both walked into his room, your letters placed next to each other on his desk, you sat in an extra swivel chair he kept in there for when you came over. "Open it Izuku! I know you anxious..." you stated. After a big sigh, he tore open his letter and a holographic screen appeared over your heads. 

"Testing, 1 2... am I on screen?"

        "ALL MIGHT!!?" you both exclaimed. Your seat confused while Izuku kept looking at his letter. "Isn't this from Yuuei!!?" Directing your attention to the screen, you watched it intently. "It took some time to jump through some hoops and get this done, so for not being able to contact you sooner that's my bad!" He said to the camera and bowed. "I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of each other since it's been decided I'll work at Yuuei, now, that is." All Might sighed. "What's that citizen!? Turn to face camera 2? I was just telling the boy something important... We'll fix it in post? Ah, alright, that works..." Facing the new camera the video resumed. "Well, you did fine on the written test, but at a practical skills rating of zero. You, of course failed."And with that, he broke. "No... no, no, no... that's impossible..." you squeaked, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. 

        "But wait there's more!" You both kept watching the video after All Might had added something. "I was an entertainer in a formal life! BEHOLD THIS SCREEN!" He yelled, pointing to a video behind him. In it stood Uraraka, the girl you met at the exam and befriended.  "The girl who saved me?" Izuku questioned. Nodding your head at his question, you both focused in. All Might resumed his speech. "As soon as the exam ended, this little lady petitioned us directly! What about, you ask!? Don't touch that dial!" You watched Uraraka onscreen as she tried to keep from stuttering out and asked is she could share her points since Izuku supposedly 'lost points because of her'. The camera was redirected to All Might as he continued. "And the judges were looking at more than just smashing robots for points!" Raising his arms, All Might smiled and laughed. "Did you think there'd be a department of heroics that rejects an entrant for doing the right thing!? Perish the thought! Think it's cheesy? Fine by me! It's in the job description! Laying your life on the line doing cheesy stuff!" You both were surprised to tears when you heard what was next. "So take your rescue points! The judges all agree! The saw another foundational skill of heroics in you! Midoriya Izuku: 60 points! And while we're at it, Uraraka Ochako: 45 points, and finally (F/N) (L/N): 20 points!" "This is crazy..." Izuku mumbled. "Meaning... you passed, kid.  Come on, Midoriya my boy! Yuuei's now your hero academia!" Smiling with tears in his eyes, Izuku yelled his response. "Yes sir!"

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