Hospital For Souls

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Well apparently someone almost hit me and I was crossing the street and I had a panic attack and that's why I passed out.

But there's some awesome news, the hospital found out that my mother died and I was alone and well they did some blood tests and they found who my father is.

He's some dude named Alex Gaskarth.

That's a really weird last name. I guess it's my really weird last name. Because he's taking me in. I guess he's a really good guy.

Today I get to meet him. I wonder what he looks like, or what he does for a living?

He's supposed to be coming by the hospital later to pick me up. Later as in 20 minutes!!!

I know it sounds really lame but I'm stoked. I just want a family and my wish came true. Now my mom just has to come back.

I smiled softly in my thoughts.

I was sitting in the hospital waiting room waiting for my dad to come. I liked the way that sounded my dad.

But I'm most likely gonna be really awkward at first and just call him Alex. Because you don't meet someone and just called them you're dad. Even if they are that's just kinda weird.

I don't even have a picture so pretty much any guy that walks in I get exited.

Some guy with dark brown hair and blond highlights walked in his shirt said boner. And that made me giggle to myself.

Followed behind him was another guy with brown swooshy hair and very think eye brows. He kinda short.

They went up to the front desk and and the lady pointed my direction and handed them a portfolio of papers and guess who's name was on it. It said Katrina Adrina Broskip Gaskarth. Broskip was my moms last name. It's just as weird though.

They walked up to me and the one with the swooshy hair introduced himself.

"Hey I'm Alex Gaskarth and well I'm you're dad! it's great to meet you kid!" he said grinning.

I was speechless. I have no clue what to say and it just blurted out.

"Are you gay?"

The guy with the boner shirt and Alex looked at each other and smiled.

"No he's just my best friend. "Alex said.

"And I'm Jack, Jack Barakat! and were gonna be best friends. "

I just nodded and smiled we talked a little bit more and then we were off to Alex's house.


Guys I'm so sorry I'm bad about updating just comment and bug me for more updates.

They'll be a lot longer soon it's just really late and I cannot sleep😁

Alex Gaskarth is my dadWhere stories live. Discover now