23 - How It's Taken

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As we drive to the restaurant, I can't help but look at Tamari as we drive down the road. She's so beautiful in that dress and I really just want to take it right off of her. She doesn't understand how hard it is for me to just let her sit there and not let me go after her.
"I'm sure you're wanting to take my clothes off right now, aren't you?" she said.
I turned back to the road quickly and concentrated on the red light.
"Not necessarily."
"It's alright if you do, Dexter... I'm doing this for you anyway."
"Tamari, wearing that dress is a death sentence for you and for me. Do you understand how hard it is for me to just let you sit there?"
"Yes, I do. That's why I wore it."
We got to the restaurant and I parked. I went to the other side of the car and opened her door, holding out my hand to let her out.
We walked in and got our seats and the waiter took our drink order.
"So, Dr. Leoda, let's talk business shall we?"
"Um... okay..." I said, staring point blank at her mocha cleavage.
"Dr. Leoda, I'm up here." She said with a smile.
I looked up and sighed, turning away from her.
"Tamari, I don't think this was a good idea."
"Believe me, it will help. And I'm not mad at you. I want to help you control your urges so that you can go back to being a man."
"I haven't turned into a woman, I'll have you know." I growled as the waiter brought our drinks. "I had this conversation with your brother already."
"Are you ready to order?"
"Give us a minute." I snapped.
The waiter gave a look to me but left us and I opened the menu.
"I'm sorry if I offended you, doctor."
"Please call my Dexter. It's odd if my date calls me doctor."
"Alright... I've never eaten here. What's good?"
"The risotto is excellent and the wasabi grilled chicken is great."
"I see..."
"Look, Tamari, I suck at dating. Tarot always says so and has tried to get me to go out with women before but I just can't."
"That's why I said that I can help you get back into the groove of things. I know that you are out of shape with your dating life and I want you to be happy, Dexter."
"Why? You don't even know me."
"May I take your order?"
We ordered our food and I was happy to finally be rid of that pesky waiter.
"I know you very well, Dexter. Miller has spoken all about you and I know a deal more than you would think I would."
"Pray tell, what do you know?"
"I know that your experiment enabled you to become pregnant and also rose your libido up so high that you can't be around women without wanting to have sex with them. You lost a son but have a beautiful little boy at home named Sim. Your wife cruelly left you when she found out that you were pregnant instead of her and you moved in with Tarot."
"Ah... well, that about sums it up." I said, eating a breadstick.
"See? I know more than you thought." She said with a smile as she ate her breadstick.
"Well, I can see that but what makes you want to be with me? I mean, you even said that you thought me being pregnant was... adorable."
"Ah... You're wondering about that... Well, I've always had a bit of a fascination with that sort of stuff and the fact that I've met a real man who can do that is amazing. I mean, I'm talking about a man born a man, not a woman who turned into a man and still had all the parts and stuff. I'm talking true mpreg... it's exciting."
I lifted my eyebrow at her and moved so that the waiter could put the soup down in front of us.
"You're weird." I said with a smile.
Tamari frowned and swished her soup around.
She was quiet for most of the meal and I had the feeling that I might have offended her with my comment.
"Please take me home now."
"Look, I didn't mean to offend you. If I did, I'm truly sorry."
"I just thought that you of all people would be happy to find someone who wasn't afraid of you... Someone who wouldn't think you an atrocity for what has happened to you... Yet even you make fun of me."
"I wasn't trying to make fun of you, Tamari. I meant that as in you're not of the norm. There are not very many women that I know of that would be happy to know all about me. I know my ex-wife isn't."
"And I say that you only know her and very few other women. That's why I thought you would be happy to know someone like me... Someone who would understand your situation but... I guess I was only fooling myself. Take me home."
I tried to reason with her but she wouldn't have it. I drove her home and parked. I was going to get out and let her out but she opened the door and left before I could do anything. I watched her walk to the house and sighed.


That night all I thought about was the look on Tamari's face when I told her she was weird. I really didn't mean it as an offense but she took it that way. I hoped that she would still be there today when I went to work.
"Hey, how'd the date go last night?" Tarot asked, rubbing his stomach as he walked out of the room.
"I insulted Tamari." I said, looking up from the newspaper.
"What? How did that happen?" he asked, sitting in the chair beside me.
"Well, we got to talking about how I got pregnant and all. I was surprised at her acceptance of the fact and thought that it was a bit strange. All I said was that she was weird... I didn't mean it as an offense..."
"Aw, Dexter... You and that honest mouth of yours. Only you could insult Tamari, the one woman I know that can take pretty much anything. Jeez, Dex..."
"I feel horrible about it! I've been thinking about it all night and I'm afraid that she'll... go..."
Tarot gave me a sympathetic look and then put his chin in his hand.
"Well, there's two things that Tamari will do: she will either transfer herself or she will do something to get back at you. And knowing her, she will do the latter."
"Um, like what?"
"Dunno, she ranges." He said with a smile. "Oh and don't forget that Sim turns six next week."
"I know... I've been trying to get that out of my head."
"Well, Julie hasn't called in a year for her to come and get him... Maybe she'll hold out for another?"
"Doubtful. Well, I guess we should wake Sim up." The phone rang and I got up to get it. "Hello?"
"Hey, Dex, it's me. Julie."
I sighed and kneaded the bridge of my nose. "Oh, hi."
"You don't sound too thrilled to hear from me... Are you still on about what happened five years ago?"
"Julie, I will never ever forgive you for what you did to me five years ago. You don't know how much it ruined my self-esteem and my confidence in women. So, you should be happy about that."
"Jeez... Anyhow, I was wondering that since Sim was turning six next week if we could start the every other weekend thing."
"Why didn't you start it when he turned five?" I snapped.
"Gerald and I were having a bit of a time but we have everything sorted out. I didn't want Sim to be exposed to all that fighting that we were doing. Plus, we moved into another house."
"Anyhow, I was thinking that we could start the process after Sim's birthday. Would that be alright?"
I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.
"Yes, sure..."
"Great! I'm very excited to have him. Gerald is happy too."
"Yeah, great. I'll talk to you later about everything."
"Alright then. We'll see you next week."
I hung up the phone and groaned.
Sim walked in and held out the hairbrush to me.
"Can you brush my hair, Daddy?"
"Yeah... Hey, Sim?"
"Would you like to spend the weekend with mommy next week?"
Sim turned around with confusion in his eyes. "Why?"
"Well... When I had you, mommy didn't want to have you all the time like I do. It's called 'custody'."
"Yes. When mommy and daddy split up, she let me have what's called 'full custody' which means that you're with me all the time. But there is something called 'joint custody' which means that you get to be with mommy sometimes now."
"Do you not like me, Daddy?"
"What?! Of course I do! I love you with every breath that I breathe." I said, pulling Sim into a hug. "It's just that the law said we have to do it this way. Mommy called and asked if she could have you next weekend. Don't worry, you won't be gone long. It's only for three days."
"And I get to come back, right?"
"That's right. And if you want to come back earlier then you can."
"But I don't want to be with mommy."
"Oh, Sim-Sim... I know it's going to be hard but the law says that this is what we have to do. Just remember that it's only for six days each month. You're with me and Uncle Tarot for the rest."
Sim nodded though I could tell he really didn't understand. It hurt me to see him so confused but as long as Julie wanted it, it had to be done. If she hadn't called, then we could go about our lives as normal but as long as she wants it, I can't do anything about it.

A/N: i think this is how that works in regards to funky custody stuff. i know it was very confusing when i was little about the every other weekend thing. i got why, but it was still confusing so i get you sim-sim.

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