Do I look like a therapist to you?

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Naruto unfortunately didn't have the following class with me but was nice enough to walk me over to Chemistry. My hand still hurt from slapping Sasuke across the face. Naruto gave me a high five for totally making a great impression of myself on the first day in class which I unknowingly forgot that my hand was still sore. 

"Well here you are room 101. Just to be clear the teacher may seem young but he is hell of strict so don't piss him off." He said before hurrying off to his other classes. Well with my luck, I am able to screw up anything at this point. Chemistry being my worse subject let this shitty day continue. I sat at an empty table near the window gladly to avoid any confrontation. Everyone started to come in and fill in the empty spaces. A chaired was pulled out from my table and as I was about to happily introduce myself to my lab partner until I was met with puffy red eyes and slightly snotted nose. 

"Dear lord why me " I groaned as I covered my face not wanting to deal with any more drama than I had to in my first class. 

"S-sasuke broke up with me" She sniffled. Why the hell are you telling me this! I literally have no clue who you are and definatly do not know any of your boyfriend problems. "Sakura is it?" I breathed calmly because this girl is going make me strangle her and throw her out this window if she is this bi-polar.  She nodded her head trying to wipe away the tears before other students start to notice.

"Not even hour ago you walk up to me hating me on the first day of class because you thought I wanted to steal your boyfriend. Right? So can you see where I'm really confused right now?" I said hoping that she regained any memory that happened last class. 

"Well that was before you slapped that jerk for being so mean to me" She said clearly still pissed about the fact how he treated her at class. After a second with being angry with him, tears were already wanting to burst from her eyes. Do I look like a therapist? Do you see me having a notepad anywhere ? Well beside the one on my desk but this is for Chemistry notes only!

"We've been dating for seven months and he dumps me. I tried so hard for him to go out with me and even let my hair grow because -" Thankfully the teacher walked in and made Sakura stop talking. He had the same color hair as Kakashi but longer hair in a low pony tail that made his appearance seem very young. 

"Alright class, I see you've already have your partners set up. I am Yakushi Kabuto. Today is simply going to be syllabus and rules about the labs and safety. However I do expect everyone to read the first chapter by next class." He announced before turning around to right the page numbers on the board.  Surprisingly Sakura didn't attempt to make any small chats about Sasuke during the full period. She was completely focus on what the teacher was saying. I on the other hand was doodling on my notes. 

"Okay class I will see you tomorrow" He ended classes a bit early for those who have first lunch. Apparently this school schedule followed an A and B lunch which depending on who your third period teacher was determined whether you had first or second lunch. 

" Do you have first or second lunch?" Sakura asked packing her textbooks into her red bag. I was happy to see that she has other things that weren't pink. Like for starters her Pink brand shirt with her pink hair. 

"Oh um I believe second lunch?" I tried to read from schedule that had biology with Orochimaru. I handed her my schedule to make sure I was right. Sakura's face went pale as  she read my schedule. " You have two science courses? And worse you have it with Orochimaru!"

"Is he a bad teacher?"I might be tempted to just drop his class all together. I wanted to take an extra science course with the hopes of graduating early which I should have known that it would be too good to be true. 

She shook her head "No, it's just that he loves this subject so much that he gets weird and creepy about it. But the thing is though Sasuke is in that class. He might give you a hard time since he's the teacher's pet"

That's just freakin fantastic. "There's nothing I can do about it now. I mean we go to the same school so were bound to have the same courses. " I said confidently even though I'm dying inside.

"Well I have second lunch too so I'll meet up with you and the gang" she smiled and hurried down the stairs. Well this day is getting stranger and stranger I thought as I walked. I made an enemy then made peace with her but ended up with a bigger one. Heh Temari is not going believe this when I text her. I was ready to pull out my phone until I realized I had no freakin clue where I am. Almost all the students were in their classes and I was going to be late. I quickly dug into my backpack in search for my schedule. It seems that when I'm in hurry, the things I'm looking for suddenly disappears on me. Can I please catch a break today! As I zipped up my backpack, Sasuke passed by me not bothering to give me a side glance. I hope he goes bald. Then it suddenly it came to me. Sasuke is heading to biology too. He's the last person I'd ask for help but I need to get to class. He was already further way than I expected so at this point I raced down the hall to follow the spiky duck hair. He suddenly came to stop which if anyone remembers physics an object that is in motion stays in motion body clashed to his back causing me to fall hard on my ass. He didn't even flinch or tumble in the slightest. What the heck is this guy made of steel?!

"Why are you following me? Are you some freak stalker" he said his eyes were dead serious.

"Yes. I came all the way from the freakin Suna to stalk you. Get over yourself I'm in this class" I rolled my eyes. He honestly thinks he's the center of the universe.

"No way. I just saw you come out of chemistry" he narrowed his eyes.

"Heh well look whose the actual stalker" I crossed my arms already knowing I won this argument.

"Hn. Whatever. Just stay out of my way-" the door swung open revealing the creepiest dude I have ever met and that is saying a lot. His skin was white as paper and with eyes like a snake.

"Sasuke and the new student Amaya" he smiled mostly towards Sasuke. I stand corrected this school is gross. "I just started lecturing hurry and get inside before I count you absent." His voice even sounded like a snake! I kept in a shudder and walked behind Sasuke which again he stopped in front of me. I went around him with a huff only to find all the tables were filled with two people.

"God dammit" I muttered quietly to myself as I walk to the only table that was left. Sasuke quietly trailed behind me.
"Oi Sasuke, come sit over here. We can switch partners" it was the same girl I saw outside my English class bright red hair. She stood up with hand on her hip next to the other I saw with white hair. I hope he takes her offer. Please go. I prayed in my head.

"No" he replied without any tone or reason and sat next to me. This day is sucking so hard right now. I took in silent deep breath and went into my backpack to grab a notebook. Orochimaru did not waste time once he started writing on the board. He wanted to quickly get into evolution so he can started on his favorite subject genetics.

After going through Darwin and the bottleneck affect my hand was cramping so hard. Once the bell rang I  immediately start rubbing my hand. I barely started to put my belongings away and Sasuke was already out the door. I guess he's worried that I might follow him or something.

"But how the hell am I going to find cafeteria now" I groaned. I bet there's like two cafeteria knowing how big this school is. I walked out of the classroom with my sinking low. The hallways were empty so there's no one to ask-

"Hey you. You better stay away from Sasuke."  The girl from early jumped from the corner of the hallway.

"God dammit" I groaned covering my face. I'm so done with this school. This is not Konoha academy this is Sasuke Academy.

"Do you have any problem with that" she said placing both hands on hip which apparently is her signature move.

"Yeah just one" I said unconsiously pinching the ridge of my nose. "can you please tell me where fuck is the cafeteria before I drop kick your ass for threatening me over a guy I dont even know"

A/N Yeah...its been awhile... like a long time. I'm not totally back. I'm just writing whenever I feel or inspired. I'm in college now so I rarely get those. I might write another one soon.
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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