Sorry Mom I really did try to behave...

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HI sorry for not updating at all!!!! But to make it up i made this extremely long chapter for you :)

Let's just say my mother is a merciless women today! After turning on all the lights in my room for me to wake me up with no success, she had the nerve to put ice on my back.  My mom covered a chuckle trying to keep her serious expression. She gave me my black skirt and uniform jacket with a white collar t-shirt under it. Oh lets not forget the stupid red bow! She pushed me into the bathroom to get dressed and brush my teeth.  My ashy brunette hair looked like tangled weeds and when I tried to comb it the hair brush got stuck! Can you think of a worse possible way to start the day?

"MOM!" I cried. Yes, I need my mother for this! She is the only few people who can tame this beast. Soon enough my mom came with a disappointed look on her face already knowing we were going to be late. "You couldn't hold of the beast on your own just a little longer. We have to get you to school on time or at least on the first day" She moaned trudging over to fix my wicked evil hair.

It took twenty minutes for my to hair flow down nicely, or the nicest it ever can be before it turns into its real horrible self. After winning the battle with my hair, my mom was pushing me out the door and into the car. She stuffed a piece of bread into my mouth as she started the car. Not even joking, I felt like my mom could be a potential member at The Fast and the Furious gang. 

"Alright Love you bye" She said quickly speeding off to the streets. 

 Next thing I knew I was in front of the castle like school and there was no sound of students. They were obviously in class since first period was already beginning. Rushing out of the car and into the school, I stopped. "Holy..cheese balls this school is huge!"  The hallways were wide with pillars inside. Wooden staircases that led up to the second floor. This school was the definition of fancy.

"Hey you're new here"  my heart nearly jumped right out of my chest. I turned around quickly to meet with a boy with the most light crystal blue eyes and bright yellow spike hair. "I'M NARUTO UZUMAKI, THE MOST POPULAR GUY IN SCHOOL!"  Whoah, the people in this school are narcissistic too.

"No your not Naruto. You are are probably the most unpopular kid in school. Don't let this kid fool you.  I'm Shikamaru by the way " He yawned. His hair was up to a short spiked ponytail and white uniform shirt was untucked.  "I'm Amaya, I just moved into town" I smiled.

"Really, where you from?" Naruto asked but before I can reply with an answer another boy came racing down the steps and join the group. He had caramel brown skin and with dark brown hair. He came in with cheeky grin and then "WOOF" barked from his backpack.

"Did...your back pack...just barked?" I deadpanned. What the hell is wrong with this school? Since when did having dogs in school was okay?!

"Hush, Akamaru or there going to have to make me take you back home" He said shushing his dog once more. His dog let out a whimper following his master's order.

"I'm Kiba and this is Akamaru" He said turning around so I can face his dog. "Where are you from you don't smell familiar?" Wait did this guy seriously just say that? Fortunately I'm a sucker for puppies and I couldn't help but pay far more attention to Akamaru than him. Gaining back my focus, I tore away from the cute puppy. 

"Uh-yah, I'm from Sunagakure. My mom decided to move here since its closer to her job" I shrugged.

"Wow really! I've never met someone from Sunagakure!" Naruto gasped putting his arm around my shoulder. Are  all the boys here so friendly? Or is it just them?

"Well since you guys have been way longer than I have. Do any of you mind showing me to my classes?" I grinned. I kind of already knew who was going to volunteer. The blond haired pushed the rest to the ground before anyone could reply " I'll walk you to all your classes, I practically know this school by the back of my hand!" He said confidently. So making new friends wasn't going to be the big issue in this school... So then what is?

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