There Are No Words For This

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Disclaimer: Bleach and Proposal Daisakusen are both not mine.


"Because, if you could love someone, and keep loving them, without being loved back . . . then that love had to be real. It hurts too much to be anything else."
― Sarah Cross, Kill Me Softly



I just promised that I'm not going to smoke ever again. But here I am, outside this cursed hotel, under a huge fountain, with my smoke and a broken heart.

And to top it all, the weather is so freakin' fine today.

Like the whole universe conspired just to make my day, and the days that will come to be shitty as hell.

Seriously, I don't know what to say.

Umm, it's just that, I was not expecting these things to happen to me.

To us.

If there's an "Us" to start with.

I loved him so much. But I was also too afraid to ask for more.

I don't want to hurt him, or to change our relationship only to make him cry in the end.

He's such a cry baby, and yes, I like to tease him just to see him cry, but, I don't want to see him cry because of me.

No, that's two different things.

If you know what I mean.

"Oi Grimm, what are you doing here?"

I sighed. I can almost picture Karin's grin, so I frowned and faced the brat.

That kid seriously loves to annoy the hell out of me.

But I was taken aback.

She's not grinning, or laughing, or even smiling.

She's... Uggh, I don't know.

"Mourning alone I see."

Tch. Mourning huh? Yeah, maybe.

I just sighed and turned to face the unknown once more.

"You know that Ichi-nii doesn't like it when you smoke Grimm. Why are you always doing what he doesn't like?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and spared a glance on the cigarette that's slowly burning in the middle of my two fingers.

I puffed, and blew the smoke far away. Away with my sorrows and pain.

Then I sighed once more.

"Will not change anything if I'd stop now. He's... It's already too late..."

I heard her sighed and sat beside me, her eyes taking the same direction that I was staring at.

"They haven't signed the papers yet Grimm. It's just the ceremony that's over. You can still kidnap him and take him far, far away."

She sounded hopeful.

"What the fuck are you trying to say brat?!"

She just shrugged her shoulders, and looked away.

"Well, just giving you an idea co'z seriously, you looked like you just lost your legs and feet and that tomorrow's going to be the end of the world."

I frowned.

"That obvious?"

She nodded.

"U-huh... You're like, giving out this strange black aura around you. It's just so awful considering that you should be having fun right now since your 'Best Friend' just got married."

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