\Chäptër Sïx/

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"No way?! He did not do that." Armani said as we were walking outside to the courtyard

"Yeah I was totally shocked." I said

"He so likes you Ocean." Armani smiled

"Ehh you sure?" I sat sitting down

"Uhh yeah he said he needed an excuse to hang out with you." She said copying my action

"Yeah but he said he's trying to avoid Jenna." I said not agreeing with her

"Come on Ocean. You guys already had sex." Armani said

"So what it didn't mean anything." I said

"Yeah but you both knew what you guys were doing." Armani said raising an eyebrow

I stayed quiet.

"See you know I'm right." She laughed

"Shut up." I said

I turned around and saw Liam,Christian,Xavier, and Grayson walking towards us.

"Hey guys." They said in unison

"What's up." I said as they all say down

"Just trying to get away from Ethan and Jen-" Xavier said but was cut of by Christian punching him in the arm

"Guys I don't care." I said

"Mhm sure you don't." Grayson smirked

"Shut the hell up Gray." I said rolling my eyes

"We're still on nicknames I see." He winked

I rolled my eyes again.

"So what are you girls up to?" Liam asked putting his arm around Armani

"Nothing we were just talking." Armani said

"About?" Christian asked

"Oh um Ethan and Oce-" Armani said but I cut her off

"Don't you know girl code?" I asked

"Uhh I just moved here." Armani said

Yeah you just moved here and you're already fucking some dude that could have a STD.

"Well learn it." I said

"Aye we're going to the skate park after school Ocean come." Christian said

"Um I have somewhere else to go." I said

"Where?" Armani asked

"Damn girl you ask a lot of questions." Xavier said

"Shit I have to get to class." I said getting up

"Come on Christian and Xavier we're going to be late." I said

"You guys have the same class." Armani asked

"Yeah goodbye." I said walking away and Christian and Xavier followed

"Shit we can't be late to Mrs.Davis's Class." Xavier said running

We rushed inside Chemistry and took our seats. Mrs.Davis's started our lesson. 20 mins into the class I felt so sleepy. I looked over at Xavier he was asleep and so was Christian. Not surprised.

Ring ring ring;

The bell finally rung. Thank the Lord. Chemistry was my last period. I headed out the door towards my Jeep. I haven't heard from Ethan since yesterday. I avoid him all day and plus he was with Jenna.

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