\Chäptër Tën/

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"I'm so lost why did she kill herself?" Ethan asked for the second time

"Ugh I already told you." I groaned

"Well it's kinda hard to understand this show if you haven't watched it from the beginning." Ethan said

"Well that's not my fault or problem." I said

I was on the fourth episode of 13 Reasons Why and Ethan wouldn't stop bothering me. I felt him put his hand on my thigh. Then he started moving his hand towards my inner thigh. My heart started beating like it always did every time Ethan touched me.

"Relax babygirl." Ethan said then started leaving trails of kisses down my neck. He put his hands on my waist making my body face him. I stared into his hazel eyes. I smashed my lips against his, he was taking to long to kiss me. It didn't take long for Ethan to kiss me back.

This kiss felt different from our other kisses. Maybe I'm just overthinking this whole thing. But I'm really feeling something and I hope Ethan does too. I moved onto Ethan lap not breaking the kiss. Kiss? It was a kiss anymore it was a full on make out session. I felt him bite on my bottom lip. I lightly moaned. Ethan hands went under my shirt touching my bare stomach soon moving up to my breasts giving it a slightly squeeze.

I heard a car door close. Shit! It's my dad.

"I would love to continue this but my dad is here and I don't want him to find me in the living room making out with you." I laughed

"Don't worry we will continue this." Ethan winked

The front door opened and all we heard was laughter of a woman's voice. They were walking towards the living room. I saw my dad's shadow. He turned on the lights in the living room. When I saw who the woman was I was shook.

"Viviane?" I said in shocked

"Oh well hello Ocean." She smiled

Viviane as in Jenna's mother is with my father. I didn't even know what to say. I looked over at Ethan and he was shocked as well.

"Ocean who's your friend?" Dad asked

"No dad who's your friend." I said a little to rudely

"Ocean." Dad warned knowing my attitude

"Dad." I said in the same tone as him.

"So is she the reason why you're barely home?!" I asked

"Well yes." My dad said

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Seriously. This is not happening." I said shaking my head in disbelief

"Ocean don't jump into conclusions." Dad said trying to calm me down but it was too late

I was heated. It's only been a year since my mom passed away an he's already dating!

How could he just forget about mom so quickly.

"I'm leaving." I said walking out and Ethan followed

"Ocean wait let me explain!" Dad yelled

Ethan pulled me inside his car. I just burst into tears.

"H-how could he?" I sobbed "how could he just forget about her in a short matter of time."

"Shh it's okay." Ethan whispered "You can stay with me."

"You sure I don't-

"It's okay my parents won't mind." Ethan said

"Okay but I need to get something from my car." I said getting out of his car

I walked to my car opening the trunk. It was a bag of clothes and other stuff I always kept in there in case of emergencies. I walked back inside Ethan's car. He back out of my driveway and drove off.

Great just great. It's pretty obvious what's going to happen. Jenna is going to find out and make my life living hell. What if dad gets married to Viviane? Oh my lord.

Wait that is not important right now. It's only been a year since mom passed and he moved on so quickly. I could barely think of her without crying. I would cry myself to sleep everyday for 7 months. And ever since mom passed he has been so distant.

We arrived at Ethan's fucking mansion. We walked inside. Even though I've been here before I still can't help but admire the house.

"Ooh Ocean is here!" Grayson smiled

"Hey gray." I forced a smile

"Ocean is really tired so I'm going to take her up to my room." Ethan said

"Okay but you guys better be only sleeping." Grayson joked

"Yeah whatever." Ethan mumbled walking upstairs and I followed

We walked inside Ethan's large room. I set my bag down. Ethan closed his door. I sat down on the edge of Ethan's bed.

"Your going to get through this." Ethan said sitting beside me

"I hope." I said

"Get some sleep babe." Ethan said

I nodded okay. I looked through my bag and i didn't have a shirt.

"Ethan can I borrow one of your shirts." I asked

"Yeah their in the second drawer." Ethan said taking his clothes off

I grabbed one of his shirts and put it on. It was big on me so no need to wear pants. I noticed Ethan undressing himself. He put on just sweatpants. It was kinda hard not to stare.

"Get some sleep we don't have to go to school tomorrow." Ethan said

"Okay." I said getting under his covers

"I'll be right back." Ethan said then walked out of his room


I went downstairs to the kitchen to get something to drink for myself and for Ocean. I heard footsteps. I already knew it was Grayson.

"What happened? Why was Ocean crying?" Grayson asked

"Her dad is with Jenna's mom." I said

"As in dating?!" Grayson exclaimed

"Shh dumbass keep your voice down." I whispered

"Sorry sorry. He's with her mom. I can see so many problems that is about to happen between her and Jenna." Grayson said

"I know." I sighed

"I wonder if Jenna knows." Grayson said

"I don't think she does. Cause if she did the whole school would've known and she would've confronted Ocean about it already." I said

"True." Grayson said "Oh I told mom Ocean is staying over."

"Thanks bro." I said

"No problem." Grayson said "and Ethan."

"Yeah?" I said

"Take care of her and don't play with her feelings she's been through enough." Gray said

I nodded then went back upstairs to my room. Ocean is already asleep. I went under the covers and put my arm around her waist. I kissed her forehead then fell asleep.

Hope y'all like this chapter!💓 please vote!!

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