Perfect Timing

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"Only because of you supernatural abilities, without them I would of had that." I say which causes him to spin me around so that my back is pressed against the wall and our bodies are less than an inch apart.

"I still would of won."

"I landed a hit on you." I smirk, trying to remain calm and keep my heart rate average as I know he can hear it. Staring into each other's I eyes I see past the werewolf and see that he really does care for me, he begins to lean in but suddenly we are interrupted.

"I'm here!" A toffee brown hair coloured girl says, bursting through the door.

Blake stops and hangs his head low in a huff. "Perfect timing as always." He sighs sarcastically as he moves from standing over me to looking at the girl that just walked in.

"Are you just going to stand there or give you sister a hug?" She asks, holding her arms out.

"What are you doing here Brandy?" He asks.

"I'm here to help you, I heard about the vampires and your mate. Congratulations by the way, whose the lucky lady?" She asks.

"Um me." I speak up giving a small hand gesture of a wave.

"Oh, I thought I smelt human. Blake, a word." She says in a sharp tone, grabbing his forearm and matching him out the room and into the hall.

I creep along after them and press my ear to the door, listening in. "She's human Blake."

"I'm aware of that." He snaps.

"Any werewolf's mate is meant to be a werewolf especially the alphas. If something happens to you how would she, a human, rule the pack?"

"You can't help who you fall in love with Brandy." He sighs.

"I thought she was dinner and so will every wolf around!" She whispers in a loud voice.

"We don't eat humans here." He snaps.

"My point is, surely the vampires aren't okay with this? They'll kill her Blake and then you'll die too." Brandy snaps.

"Well I'll get the pack to be on high alert." He argues.

"And what about the full moon? Didn't think of that did you? Anyone of us could tear her apart!"

I can't help but gasp at that, I quickly cut myself off but the door swings open and knocks my down, in steps Blake and Brandy. He smirks before offering me a hand which I decline, shuffling back. "What happens on the full moon?"

The siblings look at each other before back at me. "I'll give you two some time alone." Brandy says before bolting out the door.

"I was going to tell you." He sighs.

"What happens?" I push myself up to my feet against the wall and remain there.

"Every full moon every werewolf turns into, well a werewolf. It's uncontrollable and we can't control what we do, anything in our way we kill." He explains in a low voice.

"Blake! How could you miss that out! It's one of the most important things!" I yell, smacking his chest. "You stupid idiot! Your going to get me killed and you weren't going to say anything!"

"Stop." He orders in a mutter, blocking my angry fists.

"Fight back!" I shout at him but he grabs my wrists and pins them to my side.

"We will sort something out, you can trust me."

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