Hybrid And Magic?

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I wake up wide eyed and bushy tailed, ironic since I'm not supernatural at the moment. I glance over at Blake to see him soundlessly asleep beside me, fencing me in with his large and muscular arms that I now cannot break through. "Blake." I whisper hoping he'll happily awaken but he doesn't even move.

I shuffle an arm out and smack his face which causes him to retract his arms and sit up. "Wha...?" He questions, looking around the room.

"Go back to sleep." I order.

"Well I'm awake now." Blake replies, getting up and putting a tank top over his tracksuit bottoms.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"For a run." He replies, opening the door. "I'd invite you but your weak human body can't keep up."

I throw a pillow at his head but he dodges it by running out the door. "Ugh." I grunt, climbing out the bed and walking over to Enzo's cot where he's awake and staring up at me.

"Ooooo." He makes a gargling noise before laughing, he suddenly stops and continues to stare into my eyes.

"What?" I question. "Stop staring its creepy."

The little baby laughs and claps his hands together once. I lean into the cot and pull him out and into my arms. "I suppose in some lights your kind of cute." I say.

I hold him out in front of me and he kicks his legs out slightly. "What are you?" I think out loud.

The baby screams in laughter and I notice he already has teeth. "What?" I set him down on his back on the bed and pull his lips apart revealing a fresh set of baby teeth and... FANGS!

"You just had to be a vampire didn't you." I sigh, picking him up and holding him in my arms. I tickle his stomach with the tip of my finger and he grabs on to it with a smile, but I notice he has claws, sharp ones that pierce my human skin.

I rip my hand away and pull it to my side, holding him in the one arm. I place him back down in the cot and look down at him. "If your a hybrid your sure going to be a lot of trouble." I sigh.

I turn around to see the bed floating mid air and look back to see Enzo stretching and pointing at the bed. "Oh my god!" I exclaim before running out the door and down the stairs.

I fling the back door open and call out for my love. "Blake!"

With in a second I see him sprinting out the woods. "What?"

"It's Enzo." I grab his hand and pull him in the house and to our bedroom.

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine." I reply.

"Then what are you doing?" He questions.

"You'll see." I push the door open to see Alex holding Enzo in his arms.

"Don't come any closer." Alex warns.

"What's going on?" Blake asks.

"Enzo made the bed float." I state.

"Which means Melissa was right." Alex says. "The baby is all, I can see his fangs, his claws and now he has magic."

"Great you can teach him some spells now I want to hold my son." Blake orders.

"I'm sorry Blake. I can't do that." Alex says. "Evas Elabuk Estupey."

Blake drops to his knees screaming out in pain. "Blake!" I exclaim. Blake's claws rip through his nails but suddenly he falls unconscious to the ground.

"I don't want to hurt you too Nora." Alex says.

"Give me my son." I order, taking a step forward but Alex raises his palm to me causing me to freeze, it's like I'm paralysed. All I can do is watch.

"Invisique." Alex says, turning himself and Enzo invisible. Where is he taking him?

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