Chapter 4

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"Haaaarrry," Dakota dragged out for the tenth time, "How do you even shop this much!"

Harry continued walking through the clothing shop with Dakota trailing behind with a cart full of black clothes.

"Fine. Let's go," he said and paid at the checkouts. They stopped by his house, gathering a duffle of weapons then Harry took her to an old abandoned barn on the outskirts of London.

"This," he started in an instructors voice, "is a throwing knife. Obviously you throw it."

Dakota snickered lightly, stopping when he raised an eyebrow. "You hold it like this," he placed the hilt in her palm and closed her fist tightly.

Pulling another knife from the set, he turned and threw it in one smooth motion. It lodged in the trunk of the target tree. He smirked and looked back at Dakota.

"Right, just throw it like that." She did as he said and it landed in the dirt a few feet away.

"What... What did I do wrong?" she asked, a light blush colouring her cheeks.

"Nothing. That was good, but next time release it at eye level, and move you foot to the left a little," he pushed her foot with his own and grabbed a new knife and placed it in her hand.

He watched closely as she repeated the actions and clapped shortly as it speared in the tree.

"Good, now you know how to throw a knife. Have you ever had combat lessons?"

"Not really," she shrugged.

"Legs shoulder width apart, fist closed, thumb on top," he waited for her to do so, "hands in front of your face. We're doing to basics."

"This good?"

"Mmhm, now I want you to move your left hand down to block me then throw a punch," he told her.

She nodded and he spurred into a slow action, throwing his right hand towards her face slow enough for her to block. She did as she said and he caught her hand as she went to punch.

"I did it!" She squealed.

"Yep, good," Harry said. "Now we work out."


Harry rolled his eye and sunk to the ground, assuming sit up position. "On the ground princess, 30 sit ups."

She groaned but did as she was told. Both Dakota and Harry did sit ups and when she got to 30 he was nearing 70.

"Done! I'm done! Can we go?" she panted and stood, dusting herself off.

"I guess we can call it a day. We can stop by Maccas and get something to eat," Harry said as he packed up the small amount of gear.

She started laughing randomly. "A big bad assassin getting MACCAS! You've been nothing but nice to me, but seriously! That's a good one Harry. What's next? Buying a little pup-," she was cut off as Harry slammed her into a tree, his body pressed to hers.

"I don't have to be nice. I'm helping you. I suggest that you don't laugh about it," he growled into her ear, sending shiver through her.

"I-I'm sorry," she whispered. Harry stepped back.

"Let's go," he tuned and trudge to the car, leaving Dakota to follow.


Harry lid the key into his door, pushing it open and letting Dakota close it. "Nice!" he scoffed quietly to himself. He wasn't nice. He was a killer and killers weren't nice.


Here's a little filler chapter. This will be a short story that gets into it very quickly. Just letting you guys know x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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