Chapter One

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Parked in front of London Comprehensive High School was Harry. He waited for the last if the students to settle in the classroom before exiting his large black car. 

He didn't bother sneaking through the doors, he simply went in. The air inside was warmer then outside. 

As he walked through the hallways, looking for the janitor he swept his eyes over every nook and cranny. 

His footsteps were soundless with practiced silence and he was very aware of those around the corner. He waited on the other side of the corner. 

A black shoe came into view and he shot into action. He pulled the gun from his waistband and pressed a warm body into the wall, the gun pressed to their temple. The person whimpered, not sounding like a middle aged man at all. 

It took Harry a few seconds to register what had happened and to realize that he a girl under his attack. 

But then before he could do anything he heard a very distinctive voice greeting a man named Grayson. 

The one and only came around the corner. Grayson was looking at his phone, not taking notice of Harry and the student, who had her lips sealed together tightly with tears steadily tracking down her cheeks as she stared at Harry's cheek, his face turned away to watch Grayson. 

He got past them without noticing and Harry sprung. The gun made a sound of compressed air, the silencer stopping the boom. He shot Grayson through the knee cap, immobilizing him without removing himself from the girl, one hand now pressed over her mouth to muffle her cry. 

Grayson had fallen to the floor, blood steadily pumping from his wound, hisses of pain escaping him. 

He looked at Harry, pained brown meeting cold green. His last sight before the lights dimmed. Harry mercilessly shot him. A head shot, stopping the suffering. 

He turned back to the girl, horror in her eyes. He moved his face in front of hers, tearing her gaze from the body of the serial killer. Slowly she raised her gaze to Harry's and tried to press into the wall further. 

"I'm sorry," Harry muttered before her eyes rolled back and she slumped, probably fainted from all the shock. Harry stepped back and lowered her gently to the ground. 

Pulling out his phone, he called a clean-up crew, and gave them the details. He then sighed, racking his brain to figure out what to do with the fainted girl. 

The only conclusion that came to him was to take her. So he did. He picked her up bridal style and carried her to his car, putting her comfortably across the back seat. 

He humourlessly laughed to himself, musing over how easy it was to slip in, kill his target, take a girl and get out before anyone noticed. 

Harry opened his door and climbed into the driver’s seat and sat there, waiting for the cleaning crew to rock up. 

Once they had they gave him a wave and he sped off, all the while thinking of his new situation with the girl. How would he deal with this?


This was a little filler chapter, hope you enjoyed it!

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