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"What? No snide remarks for the naked woman attempting to take a relaxing bath?"

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  The feast ended late, and yet Torhyl did not feel tired. Torhyl returned to her tent and discarded her sword and her armour. She bent down to her chest beside her bed and retrieved her small flask of Grecian liquor and took a large swig. The burning liquor seared as it travelled down her throat and it warmed her stomach.

Torhyl feels the tense pull of her sore muscles. She scrunches her nose at the slight discomfort she feels as she rolls her neck to release the stored tension in her muscles. She stretches her arms above her head, and pushes each one to point of release.

"Commander Torhyl?" A voice alerts Torhyl to a presence at the tent entrance.

Torhyl spins around at the sudden voice and walks over to pull back the tent curtain. Her eyes fall on a young lady, the stature of a servant, standing in her doorway.

"Please, come in." Torhyl pulls back the curtain and steps aside.

"No, your grace, I cannot," the young lady states with haste. "I simply have come to ask if you would like to bathe."

Torhyl was a little taken by her sudden denial of her offer but brushes it off. "Certainly, just allow me to retrieve a gown."

Torhyl turns to her chest once more and collects a simply gown and a small canister of Grecian oils. Torhyl walks out of her tent and is greeted by the lady servant.

"Follow me, my lady." The young lady walks through camp towards a small wooden building.

The servant opens the door for Torhyl and allows her to walk in front of her. Torhyl enters the small hut. The room is illuminated by a collection of candles that are placed around the room. A tub filled with hot water sits in the middle of the room, steam rising as the hot liquid hits the air.

"There is a drying cloth beside the tub and a comb if you in need of one." The servant explains as Torhyl nears the bath. "Is there anything else you will be needing, my lady."

"What is your name, young lady?" Torhyl inquires, her eyes scanning over the lady's face.

"Porunn." The servant answers simply.

"Porunn..." Torhyl tests the name on her tongue. "Thank you for your service tonight, that will be all."

Porunn nods politely and leaves.

Torhyl furrows her brows at Porunn's hesitant attitude towards her but shakes her head free of the stress. Torhyl places her possessions beside the tub and begins to undress. She gently tugs off her shirt and examines her burn wound. The burn itself is slightly less aggressive than it was earlier but it is still not pleasant to the touch.

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