Another poem about you

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Talking on the phone I almost cry

I promise I won't ever live your kind of life

You told me to promise you

And I was willing to

But big brother,

Remember your promised too?

You wouldn't go back to that life

You pinky promised

Double pinky promised

I know that reality has hit you

Remember that letter I sent you?

Did that have an affect at all?

Sometimes your promises are two faced

And one face is the big brother that I felt has died

And the other is his demon that probably kept you locked up inside

Dear Matt,

If your reading this, is it the real you?

Or is it the heroin using you?

I want to beg you to get better

But I can't make you

You have to chose to

And I know you want to

But the question is,

are you willing to?

Did I waste my tears on you?

When was the last time you actually cried?

Do you pray to God before you go to sleep at night?

Or do you plan your next high?

You'll be set free soon.

And no one knows what you will do

I hope you get better

But I won't expect anything.

I know deep down my brother is still there

Who wants to play baseball

The big brother I looked up to

And when he crashed,

He took my dreams with him too

I know you're proud of me

Of the things I've done

And that I'm still strong

I'm glad you're seeing a new horizon

A different son

But trust isn't one of those things that comes so easy

Big brother, big brother

Where are you now?

You're locked up in a place best for you

Even if I don't see you for a while,

Big brother,

I hope you know I love you

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