Yuka Tashiwa

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Name: Yuka Tashiwa

Gender: Male

Sibling(s): None

Parent(s): Mom and Dad

Live with: The Yuushiika Family

Friend(s): Heika, Shiro, Akito, Gin, Clude, Rato, Uten, and Joshua

Best Friend: Rato Yuushiika

Love Interest: Rato or Heika

Quirks: Tapping his fingers together

Pet Peeves: Being mistaken as a girl

Loves: Peace, reading, spending time with Rato

Likes: Friends, cooking

Indifferent: School, Aiko

Dislikes: His parents, his appearance

Hates: Jin

Age: 14

Birthday: April 14

Uniqueness: His choppy hair

Surprising Fact: He sleeps in the same bed as Rato

Thinks of Heika: "Heika is a very sweet person! She's a better mother than my own."

Thinks of Shiro: "He's a good person. I can understand how he needs a new mother. I wish I can help him and his brothers out with their dad."

Thinks of Akito: "He's a very good puzzler solver and gamer. He'll solve a rubix cube in 2 minutes!"

Thinks of Gin: "I feel sorry for him. Though I'm happy for him that his brother is in the asylum, but I'm scared for the future."

Thinks of Clude: "I wouldn't mind if he start living with my parents, but they might pick on him, thinking we're dating."

Thinks of Rato: "U-um...next question?" He blushes.

Thinks of Uten: "Uten-senpai? Every time we meet up, he always screams when he sees me. Since he's afraid of girls, I think I know why he screams."

Thinks of Joshua: : "Joshua-senpai is a goth since birth guy. I'm impressed he's been goth since he was able to walk. I talked to his parents once, great people, and they said he's been like that since he could walk and talk. They believe God gave them a son who was meant for someone else."

Thinks of Aiko: "I don't think she's an idiot, as Shiro said she is. I think she's just misunderstood."

Hobbies: Reading, cooking

Talents: Cooking

Dere Type: "Hmm...Rato says I'm a yangire, but I'm more of a...undere?"

Personality: Due to his parents way of raising him, he has grown to dislike being around them and stay over at Rato's for most of his life. His kind demeanor makes him well-liked by many people, but some teachers don't believe of that is his natural appearance. Whenever someone calls him a girl, when they meet him for the first time, he'll get pissed off quick enough for him to attack verbally and/or physically the person he met. He had deep care for Heika, but deeper care for Rato since he was there for him when Yuka needed it.

Original Quote: "As long as I'm Yuka, I'll make this feminine name unique in its own way, and not seen as a girls name."

Plans for the future: Wants to be an English Teacher

Opinion of self: "I think of myself as a guy who has anger issues with his parents. My parents aren't good parents, but they are good people. Out of me and my friends, my parents have the most mercy. But Heika and Gin are orphans, so I let Heika and her sisters with Gin sometimes come over for dinner with Rato's family."

One wish: Change appearance to something more masculine

Goodbye: "I'll see you in the next happy day!"

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