Chapter 10

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Your POV

A few months later ...
Mark had a comeback with NCT 127 and prepared for a comeback with NCT DREAM. We grew close together after NCT Life. (Friends name), me and whole NCT were pretty good friends now. We even trained with the other band and considered a song with both bands but our manager said we should concentrate first.

Anyways, I'm sitting next to the big mirror in the practice room, right next to the music box. NCT DREAM trained their new song 'My first and last' and I love this song!

"(Your name)? Could you help me please? Just for a moment?" (Friends name) peeked through the door and asked me. I looked at the others and they nodded their head to give me permission. I mean, I promised them to help them, not actually help them but turning the music on and off and then watching if they were doing it all together.

I stood up and went out of the door, (Friends name) already waited for me.
"So could you help me ... erm ... with ... the ... with the music system in the producing room? You know I wanted to learn this and ... and you know it ... right?" She kind of stuttered but I didn't mind.

"Sure, do you have any special plans? Like producing your own song?" I asked while walking to the producing room with her.
"Kind of ..." she answered.

After a few minutes of explaining her all the buttons and everything, I noticed that she was looking at her phone. I stopped explaining and asked her "Is something up?".
"Oh, I just noticed that I need to be somewhere right now. You go back to Mark and the others, okay? Anyways, thanks for helping me." (Friends name) said nervously. Then she started to run away, out of the glass door.

I went back to the practice room and opened the door slowly. There wasn't any light in the room, so I flicked the switch.

The light was there and I saw the boys still in front of the mirror. Strange. Then, (friends name) pushed me in front of the mirror so the boys could all see me. I was shocked because I didn't know what was happening. Then the music of 'My first and last' started playing. I looked over to the big music box and saw my friend next to it. She turned it on.

The boys started dancing but something was off. Mark was looking at me all the time. It was like he was singing/rapping it for me. And there it was again, the strange feeling inside my stomach like butterflies flying around.

The song was over and Mark came over to me. He took my hands and looked deep into my eyes. We both blushed and I looked to the ground.

"(Your name), well, I wanted to tell you something. You know, you're really cool and pretty. You're very intelligent and fun to be around so with this ... I wanted to tell you that ... that ... that ..." Mark didn't complete what he was going to say but instead Chenle started talking.

"Come on Mark, you can't back off now! We practiced this even (friends name) helped and you're ruining it now." He said but got more quiet at the end even a bit of sadness was in his voice.

"You planned all of this?" I asked and looked at him. Mark also looked up now.

"Well, yes ..." he said and looked sad.

"And why?"

"I like you (your name). Like, I really like you." He said but looked down at the ground shyly and a bit embarrassed.

There was a bit if silence. It was like everything stopped, time and all the others too.

So, Mark also felt like this. He likes me!

"I also really like you Mark." I said and smiled. Mark looked up into my eyes and smiled. It was the biggest smile, I ever saw!

The other boys and (friends name) clapped and smiled too but then there was silence again until Chenle coughed.

"Oh, erm, so ... would you maybe like to go out sometime?"

NCT Life in Seoul pt. 2 ~Mark Lee x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now